Chapter 13 Fly in a web

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There is a lot that the detective honestly didn't expect but coming into it and abandoned toy factory finding a friend, but soon discovering that the toy mascot here actually aggressive predators is a thing he honestly didn't expect it all. As he had seen a lot and this still surprised him, but that is an issue at least that's what he thought until he opened that case everything else just became fuzzy as he can't seem to recall what happened.As Damien is having a very strange dream, it was unlike anything he ever dreamt of before as he assumed it was because he did watch a bunch of old commercials on that website.

But that is not what is important as he found himself in some kind of playground with a bunch of children playing with some kind of toy. He can't remember what he was doing here and he can't seem to fight off this weird experience that he was having.He soon realized that his body started to move on its own as he doesn't understand what's going on then yet again he can't remember anything.

His mind felt hazy as he continued walking not even fighting this.When he soon got closer to the playground a song began to fill his head as somehow his mind even got more fuzzier than ever if that was possible.The children are playing with some kind of pink toy as he can't seem to remember what he was doing as he listened.

There is a voice, but Damien can't hear it as it was quiet and the song got louder as there was something he is supposed to do, but he can't remember it. The muffled voice was getting louder as he can barely hear it as the toy that the children are playing with is called: Mommy Long legs.Then he soon listened as the voices telling him something.

" Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!"

("What's going on? Wait a minute that voice is very familiar.")

Then it soon became clear to the detective that he recognized that voice as it was the same voice that belong to that doll in the case.Soon things started to become clearer as then he starts to remember what happened, though it was taking a while for his entire mind to shake off the hazy feeling.The detective is trying to remember what happened as the voice continue to repeat itself. Then his surroundings became different.

It became more darker as there was a sound of static coming from somewhere as the voice continue to repeat.But then there is another voice that's familiar as he recognized it. It wasn't long before he soon was brought back to consciousness as his vision is a little bit hazy.But then he soon got it better look at what was shaking him like that as it is Lewis that had been shaking him, and judging by the expression that he is making it was clear he was obviously worried about him.

"You're awake! Thank goodness I've been trying to wake you up for hours when you weren't coming back. Everybody else is with the predator that basically hunted us down in the labyrinth. Well, everyone except for Oliver that's besides the point when I came in here I saw an open glass case, and you laying down on the floor unconscious. What happened?"

The detective is still a little bit loopy, but he finally managed to get himself out of that strange hazy state as he looked around the room.As the case in empty as he is now out of whatever that smoke is as it was something that he never experienced before everything felt real, but the exact same time it didn't.

Not to mention he can't even think clearly.That is something he didn't want to experience again as that felt strange but now is not the time to get so distracted with that as Star soon helped him to get up.When Damien got up again. He still felt a little loopy, but not as bad as it was before.

" Thanks for the wake up call Lewis. I honestly don't know what happened to mentioned that dream. It was so strange. Anyways, that glass case wasn't empty when I opened it. But that's beside the point let's get back to everybody else."

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