Chapter 10 - Banquet after Banquet

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"Sir Arut you made it back safely."

"Of course I did?"

Deon had only one thing in his mind; what the fuck is going on here?


The guards stood there still in fear. It was a once in a lifetime to meet a Corps Commander off duty, but three was like an impossible miracle! Including the fact the Zeroth Corps Commander rarely showed his face out to the public, it was very rare to spot him around.

"Ahem. I'm glad you made it back safely Sir Arut."

"...Thank you...?" What is up with her now? This wasn't the usual Devilania he interacted with usually.

"Y-you must be tired, get some rest Sir Arut!"

"I will, thanks Ririnell."

Deon quickly took the coat he was wearing a while ago from them and then walked away from the two Corps Commanders unaware of the conversation and the misunderstandings they had about him. Not that he would even want to know if he did find out anyways.

(A/N): Sometimes I forget that sanyways isn't technically a real word and it's actually just anyway but anyways is just so much better.

"Sir Arut didn't overhear us right...?"

"If he did we might have to apologize over a million times, Sir Arut doesn't like gossip..."

"Let's be glad he didn't overhear us then or else he would've been angry!"

"Angry Sir Arut..."


Devilania looked at Ririnell worriedly. Ririnell seemed to be in bad spirits after hearing the words angry and Arut together. Perhaps she was scared?

"Angry Sir Arut is so hot!"

Yeah, no. Definitely not scared at all.

Devilania should've expected this from the biggest Arut fan. Perhaps she was even a bigger fan of Sir Arut than the Demon King himself.


'So tiring... when can I just seriously slack off for once?'

Deon felt fatigued even though he shouldn't be feeling any exhaustion as the Heart of the Vitaliy would usually help with that.

While walking to his room, Deon suddenly felt extremely uneasy on what was behind his door. But who even out whatever it was in his room?

Opening the door slowly Deon could finally see what was going on. Suits were laid on the ground and... many gowns were mixed in the pile of clothing too.

'When she said she'd get me a lot I didn't anticipate that it's be this much just for a party?'

This was truly the work of Devilania who was obsessed over looks and clothes.

'I don't want to clean this... but Ed isn't here...'

"No way, I'm not cleaning this." Over the God of Death's dead fucking body.

The 0th Corps Commander Became Trash! [ TCF x INTKOT ]Where stories live. Discover now