Chapter 30 - A Changed Outcome

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Deon said as he quickly ran away from the scene. Usually he'd stay for some wine but he definitely doesn't want to considering the motives behind Stigma's moves.


'Did I just wander off into the city? Without a hood...?'

First, he should get a cloak. His features were to distinct and it made it easier for people to notice him. Plus, this was when he'd meet Daniel, the leader of the Revolutionary Army and he wants to avoid meeting him at all costs. Getting choked when you're already weak is a horrible experience that he doesn't want to go through.

He ran through the streets while people stared at him. It was most likely because they could recognize him even just by his hair and eye color. White hair and red eyes were rare, even among vampires.


"...I apologize, are you alright?"

"H-huh oh... I'm okay, sorry for bumping into you..."

Deon backed away immediately, he felt like he just got into a huger problem. He was so occupied on finding a cloak that he didn't even realize the man was clenching his fists, in anger.

"By the way do you know where I can find a cloak easily? I'm not supposed to be here."

"And why is that?"

"Come here for a second."

Deon went on his tip-toes and whispered something in the mans ear who flinched at the sudden action. It seemed that he didn't expect Deon to do that. Well, who would expect a stranger to whisper in their ear?



"Right, please tell me where I can buy a cloak! I don't want to get found out..."

"..Over there..."

The man pointed over to a booth where a commoner was selling hoods, he looked to see if Deon would say something rude. However, the reaction he got in return was completely the opposite of his assumption.

"Thank you!"

Deon immediately ran to the stall where the commoner was and bought a cloak. Of course, Deon was unaware the man he had just talked to was Daniel himself.

(Yeah your cooked 😅...)

'Thankfully I didn't cough up any blood-'

He spoke way too soon, Deon could feel blood flow out of his nose. The seller looked at Deon in shock and immediately handed him napkins.

"I'm sorry... I got your items dirty.."

"Sorry?! You're bleeding!"

"No- It's normal... Please take this as compensation..."

Deon didn't particularly like handing out money but it really was his fault this time. He handed five gold coins to the seller and took the napkins.

"No how could I-"

"Then think of it as me buying your cloak and napkins."

Deon quickly ran off, leaving the seller no room to retaliate or stop him. He ran away to the point his legs began to hurt.

'Now that the Redemption Church is brought down after being exposed for using magic, I wonder if Paul ever joined the Revolution Army...'

Walking around the city, Deon stumbled upon the Redemption Church. Or what was originally supposed to be the Redemption Church.

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