Chapter 20 - Blurry Destiny

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The God of Death said, tattling on Jour about Deruth. It was also his fault that Cale suffered so he's gonna make him pay back tenfold when he ever gets the chance.


"What did my foolish husband do again?"

Jour's face immediately went from joyous to serious. Although she loved her husband, her child was the one she loved and cared for the most.

(well not for any longer LMAO)

"Hmm, how about you two come here and watch the record yourself."

The God of Death motioned the mother and son duo to the desk he was sitting at. It was the place he tended to use to watch Cale or rather Deon.

The record began to play the moment Jour and Kim Rok Soo were near. They watched the scene as their faces morphed in shock and then into anger.

"I knew my father was not the best but this is..."

Kim Rok Soo felt conflicted. Would the father who used to smile so brightly at him be like this? But at the same time, he was also the father who neglected him as a child after his mother's death.

Kim Rok Soo turned to Jour who was quiet while watching the record play. He noticed her shoulder shaking and was about to comfort her. However, Jouur immediately stood up and slammed her fists on the table.

"Those motherfucking assholes! How dare you treat my son like this, you sons of bitches!"

'Comforting... Comforting my ass! Mom can be really scary too...'

Kim Rok Soo had never seen such an angry side of his mother. It scared him since this was the first time he'd seen her get this mad and at the same time he was also angry at Cale's so-called loving family.

"First they kill Rok Soo and now they're doing this to Cale?! Not to mention that they are now resurrecting him which is taboo to the law of time!"

Jour continued to cuss out the group. She was angry and angry was an understatement, first they killed her other child and now her other child is being subjected to what is considered torture. How could she not be mad?

"Haah, and I thought I was bad. But no these guys may have taken first play by working with the hunters."

The God of Despair walked sighing for the nth time this day. These guys make him want to become the God of Hope and save people. He almost looks like a saint compared to them. A God of Despair looking like a saint compared to literal humans!

"They are... working with who?!"

"The hunters...?"

Jour was even angrier now when she heard they were working with the hunters. Her husband was working with her household's family.

This was a nightmare for Jour, she couldn't believe this was happening. After all, she had done everything to make sure her children would be able to live happily and save the world.

This was then when Jour and Kim Rok Soo had realized they were killed most likely as a sacrifice. They were crazy enough to go to Earth One and kill them as a sacrifice so they could go to Cale's new life.

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