05 - Polar Bear

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Katara was walking towards them while rubbing her eyes with her small hands clenched in a fist, she had clearly just gotten out of bed and wasn't fully awake yet, the entire scene was just too cute for Levi, he just wanted to go and squeeze her little cheeks, he now kind of understood why his mom treated him like she did though he will never admit it.

Walking around the table Katara first gave each of them a kiss on the cheek before going to wash her face and wake up, making the family of three smile.

"Sweaty wake your brother up after you're done, okay?." Said his mom as she started putting the food on the table.

"Okaaaay." came a voice replying from behind him, it didn't take long for Katara to wash up and wake Sokka up who also did the same, their mother finished setting food down and before long the family of five was sitting around the table and enjoying their breakfast in silence, or that's what it should have been like.

"So today I am going to go watch the warriors of the tribe train and learn from them, when I am old and strong enough I will help the tribe, and then… " said Sokka, the food in his mouth not hindering his talking ability at all, it was like this every single morning and Levi wouldn't have it any other way.

His brother will talk about getting stronger and fighting off the fire nation every day, helping the tribe and the world, ‘To some extent he would keep that promise.’ thought Levi, smiling.

He remembered how Sokka was the only man left in the tribe by the time the show started, if a 14-year-old could be called that, how he didn't hesitate at all to defend his tribe and family when Zuko and his soldiers came to look for the Avatar, and how he will go on a journey along with the Avatar later on and will literally save the world just as he's saying he would, but one thing weighed on Levi heart, he knew that in grand scheme of things his brother wouldn't amount to much, unlike his sister who had a natural talent for water bending.

Only he knew how much of his potential he'll uncover in the end, sure he improved a little at the end of the show but it wasn't much, he also remembered that Sokka wasn't alive during the events of Korra, some say he was killed by the red lotus, he wasn't sure if that was true or not but that's why he vowed that he was going to make sure that his brother will take an entirely different route, he will make sure that his brother is as capable as possible.

"Dummy Sokka, who told you that you can become strong just from watching people train." said Katara, giving him a suspicious look and making Levi spit water out of his mouth and their parents burst out laughing.

"AND WHO SAID YOU CAN'T, HUH?." retorted Sokka, fuming in anger at his little sister’s innocent remark.

'Well I certainly can.' thought Levi. Not long ago he had discovered by chance that he could actually increase water bending EXP just by watching Benders train, of course, it was not much to speak of compared to actual training but it was certainly a possibility.

Hearing Sokka answer Katara was speechless and couldn't retort, she had a look on her face that basically said “Maybe he really can get strong like that”. 'Oh my innocent little sister, If only you could stay like this.' he thought, smiling at her contemplating look knowing how unrealistic it sounded but he didn't want to burst her bubble.

Sadly for him, Katara seemed to think he was a more reliable source of information than her parents as she turned toward him asking, “Levi, is that true!? Can people really get stronger by just watching other people practicing.” he could see her eyes almost shining as she asked that question, it seemed Sokka wasn't the only one trying to get stronger, he noticed that his parents had a schadenfreude look on their faces obviously entertained by his loss of words so he decided to turn the table on them.

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