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As he woke up the next morning Levi had his breakfast with his family as usual and then along with his father and a bunch of other guys they boarded a big wooden ship and departed.

They had sails on their ship but they weren't using them, instead they were using water bending to move the ship forward and it was way much faster than normal. As for the water benders they took turns so as not to tire themselves out before they even reached their destination.

Levi wasn't informed about what their mission would be, all he knew was that it had something to do with rescuing some prisoners, but he didn't know the exact details.

'It doesn't really matter as long as there isn't any lethal danger I can't handle and I can kill to my heart's content, it's all good.’ thought Levi with a little smirk on his face, if it wasn't for Gamer’s mind he doubted he would be as calm right now.

‘Although I wonder how Father and the others will react to me taking a life for the first time, it would be a hassle to pretend that it affected me deeply or anything like that.’

‘I'll just attribute it to the bear accident and how it changed me. They should accept such reasoning.’ thought Levi as he closed his eyes in meditation, there was no reason to waste time when he could level up some skills.


Somewhere in the ocean, a big metal ship that looked like a slumbering beast was sailing quickly with speeds that are impossible for ships that still use sails or don't have water benders, it was sailing away from the fire nation.

On the deck of the ship was a tiny chair fit only for a little kid, on it sat an 8-year-old girl with an arrogant look on her face, her elbow positioned in the armrest of the chair as she rested her head on her hand and looked at the gathered soldiers in front of her in an army formation and at the commander facing them and speaking to them.

"Today's mission is different, we got word that some of the forces of the southern water tribe are planning a rescue operation to free some of their tribe's men as well as some of the earth kingdom prisoners.”

“For this mission all of you will listen to Princess Azula's orders and protect her at all costs even at the cost of your life…” Said the commander solemnly.

Hearing Azula’s eyebrow twitched but she didn't say anything, 'Filthy scum, you think I need your protection? I can take out those barbarians by myself while you sit on the side.

“You will eliminate all the attackers and capture those you can, but your top priority is still the protection of the princess, Am I clear?”


Getting his soldier's reply the commander turned towards Azula and bowed his waist a little.

“Your Highness, is there anything else you would like to add?” he asked respectfully.

Looking at the commander up and down with her head still resting on her hand and legs crossed, Azula said, "Yes there is one more thing, tell your soldiers to focus more on their fight and not on me, I am more than capable of taking care of myself.”

“But your highness….” Said the commander trying to oppose her decision but he stopped speaking as Azula sent him a look that made him go silent.

Turning around to face his soldiers he shouted, "You heard the princess, you should focus on yourself and your safety first. Her royal highness has been training ever since she could walk and could take care of herself.” Said the commander, making the soldiers direct looks of admiration and gratitude towards her.

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