07 - Fighting a Polar Bear

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An: I've tried writing a First person pov from this chapter to chapter 11 tell me what you think.


"Alright you piece of shit, let's dance." I said and the piece of turd seemed to understand what I meant as it increased its speed and rushed at me.

Steading my breath I moved my arms in a practiced motion as I lifted a bunch of snow from the side of the bear and flung it at him as hard as I could landing a direct hit.

Sadly it didn't do much damage, it was only snow after all, it could barely injure a normal human let alone this beast's tough hide.

The bear was shocked at the very least and stopped in his tracks thinking that there was someone else around but seeing no one he was confused for a second before forgetting about it and rushing at me again.

But that short pause gave me enough time to think of my next move, it was my first real battle and I still wasn't as sharp as i should be, and I gotta say that I love this gamer's mind ability, even in a situation like this I could still think clearly and rationally making up for my lack of experience.

'The snow is not hard enough.' I observed the snow on the ground as an idea came to me.

Manipulating another bundle of snow to lift in front of me I tried my best to compass it making it smaller and smaller, and the smaller it got the harder it became to compress it more, but I still persisted, in the middle of all that system notifications started popping up.

[Water bending EXP is increasing]

[Water bending (Active) level 7: 2%]



I didn't have the luxury to pay it any attention now, though I took note that the exp percentage was increasing way faster then when I was training, 'I guess it's not surprising that a battle is the best way to raise my levels.'

I was already done compressing the snow ball by now and putting all my power into it I launched it straight at the bear like a Cannonball.

Sailing through the air it hit the bear right on the head before it could even react and I swear I heard the sound of something cracking as the bear groaned.

But I could tell that this time my attack seemed to have some effect besides making it confused as it seemed to have stunned him for a bit but I knew it wouldn't last long.

So taking this opportunity I flung my hands up with my palms facing the sky making the snow below my fit shoot upwards and cover my whole body like a wall.

I quickly moved from where I was before the snow settled back down, the bear was already too close and I couldn't let it get closer than that or I'd be doomed.

And it seemed I was right in doing so as before long giant bear paws hit the ground where I was standing making the earth quake and causing a chill to go up my spine, 'Just what kind of force was that!?.'

I couldn't help but have sweat cover my forehead as I thought about it, ,'Shit, if i was still there…. ' I didn't dare to think about it any more.

Seeing me escape seemed to make the bear more enraged as it roared and looked around for me before spotting me and rushing at me again.

Seeing that the strategy seemed to be working I again started lifting the snow and compressing it, what else do you expect me to do? This time I had more time than before so I compressed a larger portion of snow into the size of a human head but that meant it was heavier than before and way harder to control.

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