Lake Day

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Two Months Later

Two months had passed, and you were all adjusting to your new lives with Suguru's help. Thankfully, he seemed to have had a change of heart. The four of you had grown closer, feeling like a real little family.

As you finished up your lesson at the village school, excitement bubbled within you for the rest of the day with the girls and Suguru. It was still a fresh new feeling to have them around after all.

"You did very well today," you told your students, beaming with pride as they began packing up their belongings.

"Thank you, sensei!" they replied in unison, their voices echoing in the classroom.

"Alright, everyone, please say goodbye to Miss Ame," Mr. Yagami instructed, and the students bid their farewells before leaving.

"Bye, sensei! See you next week!" they chorused, waving goodbye as they filed out of the room.

"See you next week," you replied warmly, waving as they exited the room.

"Ms. Ame," Mr. Yagami called out as you gathered your belongings.

Turning to face him, you met his gaze with a curious expression. "Yes?"

"Have you given any more thought to my offer?" Mr. Yagami inquired, a hopeful glint in his eyes.

Taking a moment to consider his words, you nodded thoughtfully. "I have, and I appreciate it, but I'm happy with my life right now."

Mr. Yagami's expression faltered slightly, but he maintained a supportive demeanor. "I see. Well, if you ever change your mind, the offer still stands."

"Thank you, Mr. Yagami. I truly appreciate it," you replied sincerely, offering him a reassuring smile.

"It's my pleasure, Ame. We're lucky to have you," Mr. Yagami said warmly, his gratitude evident in his tone.

With a final nod of acknowledgment, you bid Mr. Yagami farewell and made your way home, your heart filled with gratitude for the life you had built in this small village.

"It's my pleasure," you said, returning the smile. "I'll see you next week, Mr. Yagumi."

"See you next week," he said, waving goodbye as you left the school.

As you walked home, you couldn't help but feel grateful for your life. Despite all the challenges you've faced, you were happy.

When you got home, the girls and Suguru were already there, waiting for you. You gushed at how nice it felt to not be alone anymore.

"Hey," Suguru said, leaning against the door frame, his eyes following you as you walked into the house. "You're later than usual. The girls have been asking for you."

"Hey," you smiled, brushing past him and taking off your shoes and coat. "Yeah, sorry about that. Mr. Yagami wanted to talk to me."

Suguru raised an eyebrow at that, his eyes narrowing slightly. "Oh? About what?"

"Nothing too important," you assured him. "He just wanted to talk about a job offer."

"What kind of job?" he asked, his brow furrowing.

"He offered me a transfer to teach full-time at a school in Tokyo," you explained, "But I declined."

Suguru's eyes widened in surprise. "Really? Why not?"

"Because I'm happy here," you said simply. "I love this village, and the people here have become like family to me. Plus, I couldn't leave the girls, or you," you added with a smile, placing a reassuring hand on his arm.

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