A Moonlit Heart-to-Heart

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"You're so beautiful..." his voice whispered, warm breath tickling your ear.

"Suguru," you moaned, your body instinctively responding to his touch.

"Let me take care of you," he purred, hands exploring the curves of your body.

"I don't know..." you started, but his fingers traced a line up your inner thigh, cutting you off.

"I just want to see you come apart in my hands," he breathed, mouth moving closer to your center. "Let me."

You felt like you were flying through a sea of clouds, skin on fire and every sense heightened.

"Oh yes!" you cried out, his tongue lapping at the slick wetness between your legs.

"Mmm, you taste so good," he groaned, fingers pumping into you faster and faster. "Tell me who's making you feel like this."

"You, Suguru," you whimpered, his touch intoxicating. "Please," you begged, pleasure building within you.

"Come for me then," he growled, fingers teasing between your thighs.

"Suguru," you cried out, waves of ecstasy washing over you.

Jolted awake, snapping your eyes open, the haze of sleep dissipating, as reality flooded back.

"Oh god," you muttered, the realization of what had happened hitting you like a freight train.

Sitting up, you ran your hands through your hair, trying to shake off the remnants of the intense dream.

"What the hell was that?" you asked yourself, the image of Suguru still vivid in your mind.

You sighed, the lingering ache between your legs serving as a reminder of the dream's intensity.

"I'm so fucked," you groaned, flopping back softy onto the bed.

You didn't understand what was happening to you. You were starting to have dreams about Suguru, and it was fucking with your head.

Taking a deep breath, you tried to calm yourself, the faint scent of clean linen from your pillow soothing your frazzled nerves. You focused on the sound of your breathing, the steady rise and fall of your chest.

"Maybe a walk will help clear my mind," you thought, deciding to step outside for some fresh air.

Carefully get out of the bed to night wake up the kids. You grabbed a jacket, you headed downstairs and out the front door.

The cool night air greeted you, carrying the scent of the forest with it. The gentle rustle of leaves in the breeze whispered secrets of the night, calming your racing thoughts.

"That's better," you murmured, the crisp breeze clearing away the last traces of your dream, the moonlight casting a soft glow on the world around you.

Looking up at the sky, you could see the full moon hanging low in the sky, its silvery light painting the landscape in ethereal hues.

"Wow," you gasped, admiring the majestic sight, feeling small under its watchful gaze.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" a familiar voice spoke, startling you out of your thoughts.

Turning, you found Suguru sitting on the porch bench nearby, his silhouette illuminated by the soft moonlight, casting him in an ethereal glow.

"Yeah," you replied, the memory of the dream flashing in your mind, your cheeks flushing at the thought.

"Couldn't sleep?" he asked, his gaze meeting yours, concern evident in his eyes.

"Not really," you confessed, trying to ignore the butterflies in your stomach that his presence always seemed to stir.

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