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Что касается меня, то я давно решил не думать о том, человек создал Бога или Бог создал человека.

Федор Достоевский, «Братья Карамазовы».

As for me, I decided a long time ago not to think about whether man created God or God created man.

Fyodor Dostoevsky, The Brothers Karamazov


♥︎Unfair- The Neighborhood

'On a cold morning

'...could you explain to me why people cling to life so tightly?...'
A wooden figure of a horse, carved with great detail, jumped onto the field. The cold hand moved back; shaking hand. A needle inserted under the skin connected to a drip on a white stand. It was a day after waking up from the coma.

'A good and complicated question. People...understand death as the end. A moment of agony is terrifying in their eyes. The possibility of losing control, giving in to the whirlwind of feelings brings two actions: fight or flight, but in this situation they have neither option. They become afraid, thinking that the end will never come. They will not accept the end, they will always try to bend something to their will. Survival is a human reflex. It is fear, from the very beginning, of death, not love of life. Control is important to our species, so we reject anything that would disrupt the order of control in this world. Chaos is an easy way to create disproportions. It can be seen as a state of nothingness or a state of decay of existing things, often leading to destruction and death, but a need for change.' The Russian lowered his head into the black and white squares, brilliantly capturing the white queen. Leaning comfortably in the armchair, he looked out of the corner of his eye at dust particles illuminated by the golden, almost white light. 'Check' he finally said.

'What's the point of playing if you know its ending? I'll lose anyway'

'The game isn't always about the winning, sometimes it's just about a little fun, that's all,' he tilted his head to the side, smiling to himself, coldly without emotion. His eyes sharpened.

'I know that's not why you're playing,' the girl raised her eyes slightly. Strands of single dark hair covered part of face.
'Hmm,' he thought at that, raising an eyebrow vaguely. 'Indeed, you're right...'
He rested his head on his clenched fist.
'I'm testing your logical thinking skills'

'I'm doing terrible,' she muttered.

'No...I don't think so. Rather the opposite.' he relaxed his face. 'You can cope satisfactorily with what you have at hand...Of course there's the fumes, but you said you never seriously learned to play chess. You only rely on your logic. Thanks to this, I can see your range of thinking and seeing' Fyodor moved the next piece.
The girl took the pawn in her hand. She ran her finger along the edges, examining its carvings. The thumb moved slowly, over curves, over indentations. A pawn as a pawn. She thought as she asked her next question, lacing it with a note of desperation.

'I wanted to ask. I still don't understand your motives but... Why did you save me? Why did you just take the time to...-'
Fyodor chuckled softly, starting with a shake of his head.

'Do you really feel so useless?...I'll give you a simple answer, don't overwork your mind.' he looked again towards the window, and there was a mist. 'A chess piece will always belong to the chessboard. A pawn will be a pawn, it will move forward, not sideways, not retreat. ' The girl raised an eyebrow.

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