Chapter 02

15 2 1

Declan's POV

My clock flashed 0200 and I tossed and turned in my bed. My mind wandered to finding Whitney a sobbing mess on the floor of her room. I don't know exactly what she was going through but I had an idea.

I remember Henry telling me he was worried about his granddaughter and she hadn't answered any of his letters. His pleading with her to move here for her safety after learning her new fiancé was Jacob Gray the head of the American mob.

I gave Henry the go ahead to tell her everything he need to, to get her to answer or come to him. But she never answered him. I remember how angry I was when she didn't answer him and how hurt he was. I highly respected that man and everything he had done for myself and family. Then on his passing when she didn't come to his funeral I felt downright murderous. How could she do that to him and then never say goodbye. The anger I felt towards this woman I had never met was deeply embedded in me. I promised myself if I ever laid eyes on the bitch that did this to him I'd kill her.

But then she showed up on my doorstep. When I opened the door and saw her red hair and emerald eyes I felt my heart stop. When I looked over at her and saw her bloody and broken. I knew who she was before she told me she was a grown up version of the picture of the little girl that Henry had on display on his desk. When I saw her like that it was like all the anger I held for her melted away. My heart of ice started to thaw. Something about this girl held me captive.

It drove me crazy. I was known for being ruthless and hateful for killing just because I felt like it. But something about her was getting under my skin and eating away at me. I was one of the only leaders without a woman to stand at my side simply because I found them all annoying. They were all the same blonde, fake tan laughing at anything you say just to sound interesting. None of them had a brain or ambition. Any woman who crossed my path simply saw nothing more than money, power and status. I didn't want that, I wouldn't settle for that. I wanted a life of love like my parents had. I wanted more or I didn't want it at all.

I shoved off my bed groaning. If I wasn't going to get any sleep I might as well do some work. I put some clothing on and made my way to the basement.

"Sir." Gregory greeted me

"Bring the American to the sharing room." I told him making my way to the dark dimly lit room.

This was my favorite room in the house where I'd do my best work. For lack of a better word it was a torture room. The American Gegrory was dragging in and placing in the chair would be my new project. We caught him snooping around earlier today no doubt looking for Whitney to report back. I had heard through the grapevine that Jacob was furious and on the rampage searching the country looking for his fiancé. The fun thing about Jacob and I was we never got along. The rivalry between our families ran deep and red with blood.

As the man sat tied in the chair before me a sinister smile pulled at the corner of my mouth.

"My friend, welcome to the shearing room!" My voice echoed around us. "You see we call this the sharing rooms because you are going to share what you know and I'm going to share all my favorite tooks with you."

I picked up a hammer and sent it swiftly into the man's knee caps before he even had the chance to speak. His screams pierced through the emptiness.

"I'm not telling you shit Irish scum." He spat at me only causing anger to well up deeper inside me

"You may want to talk, the faster you tell me the quicker this ends." I smiled hitting the other knee cap earning me another satisfying scream.

"Fuck you." He breathed out through gritted teeth

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