Chapter 07

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Whitney's POV

Declan had been locked in his office or on business outings all week. A small ping in my chest from not seeing me was slowly eating me alive. I don't know why I have no interest in a relationship ever again. However I still can't shake the feeling I get when I see him or the disappointment when I can't see him.

My mind is still reeling with more questions than answers. Jake was in the mob and he was on the hunt for me. I was potentially putting these people at risk. Part of me wanted to run, runaway from all of this hide in the deepest darkest part of the world.

Sitting at Pops desk I spent my days in and out of the clinic and in his office reading every note and every journal entry he ever wrote. He kept meticulous notes on everything he could. From the inner working of the family and business to people he could and couldn't trust. I learned Declan's father had to step down after a Parkinson's diagnosis left him unfit to lead Declan stepped in at only twenty years old. His mother spends his days caring for his father in a house somewhere on the compound.

It almost felt like cheating learning all the information this way. Like a big test I was studying for. A squealing pulled me from my studies.

"You are hot!" Standing in the doorway of my office was an absolutely stunning woman. Her raven hair fell in soft waves around her face and her blue eyes were sole captivating.

"Um hello." I struggled feeling very inadequate in the presence of this woman.

"Your Dr Keller, we loved Henry so much! I'm so glad to meet you. I can already tell we're going to be the best of friends!" She was talking a mile a minute as she plopped herself down on the couch in the office.

"Bridget leave Dr Keller alone; she has important work to do." My heart sped up in my chest at his voice. He was leaning on my door frame with his ankles crossed and his arms over his chest. His stern expression caused a fire to ignite in my core.

"Decs you're worse than dad." The woman, Bridget pouted. Now I could see it lounging on my couch was the younger girl version of Declan.

"She's okay..Decs." I smiled and watched a scowl tug at his mouth.

"Not happening Doc." He sneered a playful glint in his eyes.

"You never said you have a sister." I observed looking over the uncanny resemblance between the siblings.

"Older sister!" Bridget hummed

"Yea by three minutes and let's face it I'm more mature than you so I might as well be considered older." He mumbled

"Whatever Decs! Dr Keller tell me about you?!" Her blue eyes were laser focused on me.

"Not much to say I suppose." My life was anything but something I wanted to discuss. I caught Declan shooting his sister a look.

"Not much to say! Girl you are a legend! One of the youngest people to graduate medical school and a career that speaks for itself. Until you went missing in this whole 007 mystery!" She babbled along

"You follow my career." Bridget and Declan may be twins but they were completely opposite. Declan was dark, reserved and serious. While his sister seemed to be the human equivalent of a golden retriever.

"Well yes! I can't believe Decs never told you! I'm a third year medical resident." She beamed

"No he never mentioned it." If he already had her almost through her medical training I didn't have a clue why he allowed me to stay and take over the practice.

"Decs be gone! Leave me with my new bestie." Bridget told him waving him away with a flick of the wrist.

For the next hour we talked about everything. Medical stuff, school, work here, her family and mine. I learned that her and Shane were involved and she was more than grateful for me. She wanted to work emergency medicine and the love she had for her brother was like no other.

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