Chapter 22

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Whitney's POV

"Doc!" I jumped from my sleep to Declan's voice yelling my name.

"Is there a reason you're yelling at me this morning?" I grumbled trying to wipe the sleep from my eyes.

We didn't get to sleep until well after one am and trust me I wasn't sad about that. I guess the best part of getting in a fight is making up.

"First off it's like eleven so it isn't morning and secondly your phone has been going off like crazy." He mumbled pulling the pillow tighter to his body, obviously just as tired as I was from last night's sexcpades.

Two missed calls from Annie and a bunch of messages from Molly all saying I was needed. The clinic was backing up and a few things looked like they needed a surgical consult.

"Shit." I mumbled under my breath jumping from bed and rummaging for clothes .

"Everything okay?" He was now sitting up and stretching showing off his rather impressive body that I had spent most the night exploring in various dirty ways.

"Yes it sounds like they just need help at the clinic and I need to get down there." I explained pulling on some navy leggings and a cream colored knit sweater.

"Tell them you already have a patient at the house who needs you." He pouted, eyeing me up and down knowing damn well what he was doing.

"I wish I could, I really really do but I took an oath." I smiled trying to get him to give up.

Declan slid out of bed stark naked grinning at me while coming closer. My eyes traveled over his abs and tattoos before landing on a fairly hard friend I'd gotten to know very well last night. I felt my face heat up because I know he is trying to get his way.

"Come on Doc, I think I have a fever." His wicked grin and sex eyes were absolutely doing something for me.

He reached out to pull me into him but I expertly ducked under his outstretched arms. I know if he got me in that trap I'd be naked again and ignoring the help request from my girls. I wasn't about to leave them high and dry so I needed to resist everything my vagina was telling me to do.

"Sounds like you should schedule an appointment then." I smirked. I giggled while jogging from my room as he groaned loud enough for the entire house to hear it.

"I expect a check up when you get home." He yelled after me.

"Of course I'll bring home a rectal thermometer." I snickered knowing damn well he would never let me near the rear end.

"Don't you even think about it." He called out after me as I grabbed my bag and walked out.

As fall was settling in for the season a slight chill to the air helped me cool off the small fire Declan had started. It was nice finally feeling happy again and fully happy. I know the threat is still out there but I couldn't help but not care. For once in my life I was happy and cared for by someone other than myself. I felt safe and happy in his arms. I'm on cloud nine and I don't think I'll ever come down.

Round the corner to the clinic I noticed the unusual amount of cars in the parking lot. For a Wednesday afternoon this place was packed. They weren't kidding when they called me in.

"Oh thank goodness Dr Keller! Rooms 1 and 3 need stitches, room 6 has a shoulder dislocated that needs to be set back in and I'm pretty sure room 5 is going to need some plates and screws in his femur." Annie breathed, handing me a tablet with all the information needed.

"Alright, you need to follow up with me in three weeks for X-rays to make sure everything is healing well." Apparently one of the men in charge of some shipment at the docs wasn't paying attention and slipped in a hole breaking his leg pretty badly. I just spent the last three hours repairing it with plates and screws and am not sure if he'll ever be back at full capacity again.

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