Chapter 18

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Declan's POV

"I think I'm falling in love with you." I know she didn't hear me because her breathing was soft and rhythmic. Her normally tense body was melting into mine. She was asleep but truer words have never been spoken. Doctor Whitney Keller has broken through my walls and I was starting to fall madly in love with her more each day.


When the light from the sun finally woke me I found my bed was empty. Panic filled me until I could make out the sounds of the water running in the bathroom. I had a full day planned in my head with her. Sightseeing, wine tasting, shopping, swimming, gelato and dinner. I couldn't get ready fast enough.

"Boss Tommy is on the phone for you." Jeff, one of my men, knocked at my door as I finished getting dressed waiting on Whitney to finish in the shower.

This woman took the longest time to bathe. It had to be a record. I'm not even sure what you do for that long in the shower. My mind started to wander to very dirty places before Jeff knocked a second time.

"Jesus fuck I'm coming." I said pulling my suit jacket on and walking out taking the phone from Jeff.

"What's going on Tommy?" I questioned.

"Miss you too man." He chuckled, causing me to roll my eyes.

"I've got things to do today so if we can make this quick."

"We got three of their men." He sang "ones already dead and being shipped back as we speak, the other two after witnessing my artistic genius have talked a great deal." He was giddy telling me about what I could only assume was the things nightmares were made of knowing Tommy's sick sadistic brain.

"What have we found out?" I questioned, itching to know more.

"I have names and addresses of a handful of hideouts, warehouses and shipping docs. I also know someone from our side is working with them; they didn't know who but we'll sniff them out. They have two shipments coming in soon. One is a trafficking shipment due to arrive in just a couple days, the other is a very large drug shipment coming in the day of the event." I could feel the evil smile spreading across my face.

The Americans made their money two ways. One was human trafficking which I didn't participate in and never would I find absolutely deplorable. The second way was drugs. To be moving all that product at once I knew they were up to something. What they didn't know was that we had this information and if we played our cards right it would put a very large strain on them.

"Tommy listen to me very closely. Get in touch with our contact from the FBI on human trafficking and give them all the details you know about it. Then gather up men and come up with a plan to either steal the drugs or destroy them. I want them brought to their knees."

"Who do you want brought to their knees?" I whipped around to see Whitney standing there as radiant as ever.

"Boss, you hear me?!" Tommy yelled from the other end.

"Yeah that sounds good I'll talk to you later." I didn't even stick around to hear him yelling at me as I hung up on him.

She had on a long tan skirt that fell just above her ankles paired with a white lace top that showed just enough cleavage to make me want to rip it off her. She looked dressed up yet somehow still casual. I don't know how she did it.

"How do I look?" She smiled at me running a hand through her waves of fiery locks. 

"More beautiful than the stars in the night sky." I smiled, picking her up and spinning her around.

"Stop." She giggled playfully, hitting my chest causing me to act like she hurt me.

"Are you ready to explore?" I asked, taking her by the hand and pulling her along.

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