Chapter 06

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Declan's POV.

"If she doesn't come out soon I'm breaking the door down and dragging her out." I mumbled pacing the room. Whitney ran to the bathroom violently ill a little over an hour ago and kicked me out when I attempted to comfort her.

"Give her some space Declan we obviously hit a nerve. Whatever the girl went through at the hands of Jacob Gray was obviously traumatic." Tommy was trying his best to calm me but it was only pissing me off further.

"Look at you standing up for her." I snapped

"If I didn't know better I'd say you have a crush on the devil woman." He smirked at me, causing me to take my knife from my pocket and throw it at him. He dogged it like I knew he would, letting it stick in the wall where his head once was.

"Leave me be." I sneered at him and watched a twinkle form in his eyes.

"Aw my little Declan has a crush. They grow up so fast." Tommy fake sniffled whipping and imagining tear from his eyes.

I pulled my gun from my jacket pocket and pointed at him. He put his hands up defensively but still had that dumb look plastered on his face.

"Get out dick head." I nodded at the door.

"Declan and Whitney sitting in a tree-"

"If you wanna keep your brains in your head you better not finish that." I yelled out after him and his childish antics.

Sure she was pretty and smart unlike most women I've met in my line of work. There was also an undeniable spark whenever we touched and watching her upset or cry killed me. When we found her burning herself it felt like my whole body was on fire with rage. When I saw Tommy roughing her up that was the closest I'd ever come to actually killing my best friend. Something about her just had me in a trance and I didn't know what it was. Usually I'd have women over most nights for some drinks among other unholy things but since the day Whitney showed up on my door I couldn't even fathom having a roll in the sheets with anyone else. I felt like I was losing my mind and she was the one to blame.

Sighing I walked over to the bathroom door nervously staring at it like it would magically open for me.

"Get your shit together, you kill people for god's sake!" I mumbled to myself I felt like a nervous teenager.

I gave a soft tap on the door with no answer. I slowly pushed it open and felt my heart shattering. She was there laying on the cold marble floor in the fetal position. She was just staring at the wall as if she took her eyes off it she would be consumed by grief. Whatever he did to cause this had to have been vile. The minute I get my hand on the American trash I will bring him to his knees and I'll let Whitney do whatever she wants to him. Maybe she would enjoy doing a fun surgery while he was awake.

"Whitney get up." I spoke softly so as to not startle her. I bent down next to her stroking her hair. When I reached out I noticed she flinched and could help but feel sadness well up inside of me.

"You have to get off the floor darling, you are going to catch a chill." No response, she wasn't even looking at me. This was my fault I pushed her to relive something she begged me to let die and that was killing me most of all.

Carefully placing my arms under her I lifted her from the floor. Walking from my office down the hall to her room I softly kicked the door open. More than one worker on the way to her room shot me confused looks. My people weren't used to seeing a softer side of me. I was normally about the business and keeping people safe but I wasn't overly friendly or caring.

Placing her carefully on her bed she quickly pulled her knees in tighter trying to make herself as small as possible.

"Whitney I won't bring it up again unless you want to talk about it." I told her knowing that this wasn't my business and if she wanted me to know she would.

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