Chapter 17

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Whitney's POV

After all but turning myself into a large prune I got out and wrapped myself in the fluffiest towel imaginable. Pulling my hair into a messy bun with strands falling loose around my face and just sticking to a simple makeup. I opened my suitcase and almost passed out. The amount of lingerie that was spilling from this suitcase was insane. Bridget definitely had some ideas of her own. I made a mental note to call her and scold her. My second suitcase had normal clothing. I found a short sleeve cream colored sundress with small pink wild flowers all over. I slipped into it and admired how I looked in the mirror. For once I felt beautiful and comfortable in my own skin.

Walking out into the living space I looked around and found it empty. The men we had with us were posted around the hotel along with some of Enzo's men according to Declan. He told me this was the safest place we could be. Nobody would know we were here other than our people and if anyone found out it meant a leek.

I found myself out on the balcony looking over the city. The sun was starting to go down casting a beautiful yellow hue over everything. A year ago I could have never imagined standing here let alone being free from my hell and finding someone like Declan. My mind wandered to his blue eyes and sharp features, his beautiful smooth skin and perfect lips. The way he looks at me could make me come undone and the way he's gentle and kind with me and me only.

Arms snaking around my waist caused me to jump some. Then relax back into him as he pulled me in closer.

"Beautiful isn't it?" I questioned looking out over the city that seemed to be coming more alive with nightfall approaching.

"Almost as much as you." His words caused my heart to rapid fire in my chest.

"Thank you." I mumbled and felt his long finger curl under my chin pulling my face to look at him.

"I mean that Whitney you are beautiful. Don't let anything he did or say ever make you think differently." His tone was calming and soft, making my heart beat against my ribs. The slow realization was now dawning on me he was slowly repairing my broken pieces. Gluing them back together and once again starting to make me whole and for that I don't think I could ever repay him.

I leaned up on tiptoes and placed a soft tender kiss on his lips. He pulled me in closer, kissing me back as our tongues danced together in a magical dance.

"Let's get going before we spend this entire trip in bed." He chuckled at me, breaking the kiss and pulling me along.

As we walked through the streets Declan pointed out the sights and smells. It was obvious that he had been here before.

We settled in a small cafe and he ordered for us in perfect Italian. Which was news to me but I suppose didn't exactly come as a shock.

"You speak Italian?" I questioned biting into the hot slice of pizza he had picked out.

"Yes and Russian and Gaeilge working on Spanish." Maybe he was smarter than I give him credit for.

"Why so many?" I questioned

"It's helpful in my line of work." He answered back, taking another slice of pizza. 

"Do you speak anything other than English?" He questioned his eyes wandering me.

"A very small amount of French. I took an elective in college but that was not my focus." I smiled thinking back to all the hard classes I took and French almost did me in.

As the night continued the conversation stayed light and happy. We went back and forth a bit on our favorite things and stuff from our childhoods. He told me about Jamey whose full name was actually Jameson. We laughed and joked and as the night air got cooler and the stars came out we walked back to the hotel.

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