Chapter One

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*💎 Call Your Soul to Account*

🎙️It has been said:

*“The soul is like a treacherous business partner. If you do not call him to account he will run off with your money.”*


Saniyah's Point Of View

I sat down on the window sill with my legs outside. I looked down and my hear skipped a beat with the thought of me falling. I'm being risky, I know. I'm just praying that none of my sisters or parents sees me like this. They will freak out thinking I wants to commit suicide. I had never have the thought of suicide and my mum had always told me that 'never think suicide is the best option whenever you're going through difficult time. Someone who committed suicide will never be admitted into Jannah'

My mum had always told me that and I had hold tight to that.

Sorry for not introducing myself, I'm Saniyah Sulayman. The only daughter of late Bareeroh Sulayman and the first child/daughter of Aaryan Sulayman. My dad remarried when I was just five and my new mum had gave my dad three girls. Nineteen years old Basheerah, sixteen years old Muizah and nine years old Dalilah.

"Ahhhh" I heard Dalilah's voice and I looked down to see her looking at me. La Hawla Wala Kuwwata Illah Billah.

"Ukhty please don't jump down please don't" She said and just then the rest rushed out and immediately Mum saw me, she went on her knees and start begging me not to commit suicide. I wanted to gestured to them that I'm fine but they wouldn't listen. This is one of the advantages of being dumb.

I lost my voice at the age of two and I always avoid arguments or misunderstanding because I know that I'll never win. Likewise, I only have one functioning leg and the other is a robotic leg.

"Saniyah dear please just stay still. Don't move I'm coming please" Dad said and I just nod.

Dad walked into the house followed by mum while my sisters were watching me pleading me with their eyes. The door opened and the two walked in.

"Habeebty" Dad called taking precautions steps towards me. He stretched out his hand and I just shook my head before taking it. He pulled me away from the window and immediately pulled me into a hug before mum joined.

"I'm sorry Habeebty. I failed as a father" He said and I quickly break the hug.

"Dad you guys are getting it wrong. I'm not trying to commit suicide, I just felt like sitting that way. Stop apologizing and you don't fail okay" I said and they both looked at me surprised.

"So you're not planning on..."

"Yes mum."

"Saniyah you almost gave me an heart attack don't you dare sit that way again" Dad said and I nod smiling. He pulled me into a hug one more time before they both leave my room.

I sighed before laying down on my bed. Sure a drama Queen and King I have.

My phone started ringing and upon seeing the caller, I groaned. Dr. Abdullah name was staring back at me.

It was like I was expecting this. Dr Abdullah is my boss at the pharmacology company I worked at. And according to him, his company is nothing without me. I know that's an exaggeration but it was the same reason he doesn't like giving me a day off or grant me leave. And whenever he gave me a day off, he will still call me and asked me to rush back to the lab.

"Ukhty answer your call you're distracting me" Muizah whose room was beside mine said and I put my phone in vibration.

He's gonna call my dad and 3..2..1..

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