Chapter Three

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🎙️Ibn al-Qayyim رحمه الله said,

*"There is nothing more beneficial for the servant in his subsistence or in his life to come, and being closer to his salvation than reflection over the Qur'aan, and protraction in contemplation of it and gathering the thought upon the meanings of its verses."*

[Madaarij as-Saalikeen vol. 1 p. 450]

It's a double update so make sure to read chapter two


"Meet me at my room once you're done eating" Dad said and I nod.

I took my time to eat my favourite, potato porridge.

"You better be fast and join your dad now" Muizah said and I rolled my eyes. Once I'm through, I passed the dishes to Muizah before heading to Dad's room.

"Are you sure about this?" I heard mum asked dad as I was about to knock.

"Then I'll go angry at her" Dad replied and my heart skips a beat. Did mum tell him anything?

I knocked and dad said 'come in'. Opening the door, I saw dad seated on the couch holding a blue file while mum was seated on the bed. She gave me the look 'i'm sorry' and immediately I knew why dad called me.

"Sit" Dad said and I sat down beside mum. He stood up and walked towards me.

"Saniyah you know how much I love you and I'll never mislead you." He said and I nod waiting for him to see the words I hate hearing.

"Someone sent a proposal for you. You guys attended the same uni but he studied Islamic Studies and Alhamdulillah he's financially stable now. His name is Issa Olanrewaju Oyewole. I had done a background check on him and Barak Allahu feeh I'm impressed with the results. Here you would find his picture and any other information you need to know about him" Dad said handing me the file but I shook my head not collecting it. I really don't remember knowing any Issa but I don't even want to marry him.

"If you don't do your istikharah and accept him I think I need to go hard on you. For crying out loud Saniyah you will be 26 in few months time. You're not getting younger." Dad said

"Aaryan please for now drop the topic" Mum said trying to calm him down.

"No. Saniyah isn't a kid again. Alhamdulillah, She's a successful pharmacologist and she's planning on opening her own company soon so what else is delaying her in getting married. She has a lot of suitors yet she couldn't chose one. I asked if she loves someone else but it's the same answer everyday and you want me to calm down. Ya Allah" Dad said walking up and down the room. He stopped before turning to me. He heaved a sigh before sitting beside me and I burst into tears.

"Please be sincere with me Habeebty. Please confide in me" He said placing his hand on my shoulder.

Mum took that as a cue to leave and she did.

"Do you have someone you like?" He asked and I hesitated before nodding.


"Abby you won't accept him. He's five years younger than me and he's someone close to us" I gestured and father nod while thinking of who it could be.


"Haneef Ahmad. Wallahi Abby I tried to stop myself but Abby I find it hard to. Abby I'm sorry" I gestured leaving my dad surprised and shocked at the same time.

He sighed rubbing his two hands on his face.

"It's too late" Dad said.
"Haneef likes someone else and Ayaan is thinking of giving him a chance and let him get married. Saniyah you should have just let me know. I'm your dad for crying at loud. I raised you and...and" He stopped talking at tears continue to roll down my eyes.

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