off to a good start || LILY

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money - the drums

THICK trees surrounded me

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THICK trees surrounded me. The only light coming from the moonlight above, and the fireworks behind. My heart raced as I clutched a dagger tightly in one hand, its weight offering a a fragile sense of security. Fumbling with my belt, I searched desperately for another knife, or perhaps my sword, but it yielded nothing but emptiness.

Someone was standing across the clearing from me, a sword in their hands. Although recognition flowed through my body, nothing about this person seemed recognizable. Their hair was a blurry mess of who knows what colour, their face was shadowed by the trees around us, and I wasn't entirely sure whether their physique was that of male or female.

"Please, it doesn't have to go this way."

The voice that rang through my ears was familiar, but distorted. My eyebrows furrowed. At first I thought it was due to confusion, but when my body lurched forward and slashed my knife towards the person in front of me, I learned it was due to rage.

"You're doing this!" I yelled back, ducking under the swinging sword coming my way.

The person I was fighting was swinging back at me, but it seemed as though they were holding back. Every move I made on them, they made a countermove that deflected my attack.

Not once did they attack me directly.

For some reason, the fact that they wouldn't fight me using their full strength enraged me. I swung harder, and I sliced a gash on their arm. A pang of remorse hit me, and I staggered.

The person had been expecting me to attack again, but I didn't. They swung their sword a little too hard, and it sliced me across the stomach.

I awoke with a start. My entire body was coated in sweat and I was shivering. My stomach still felt as though it had been slashed open, but the pain was quickly dissipating. Somebodies hand was on my shoulder. I was still on high alert after the dream, which caused me to grab the hand and flip whoever it belonged to.

A chorus of gasps echoed around the cabin, and Luke rushed over, immediately kneeling down to his friends aid.

"Chris, you all right?" he asked.

The boy that I had flipped onto his back nodded his head, pushing himself up with a grunt of pain. He glanced at me wearily.

"Sorry." I mumbled, my chest still heaving.

Chris shook his head, claiming that he shouldn't have startled me out of my slumber. The rest of Cabin 11 was still silent, all eyes trained on me. I shuffled uncomfortably, pulling my sleeping bag further up my chest. Luke noticed.

"Everybody, head on down to breakfast." he called. "There's nothing to see here."

A couple of kids rolled their eyes and let out groans of protest, but everyone nonetheless filed out of the cabin. Small buzz of conversation filled the room as they left. When the room was finally void of everybody but Luke and I, he spoke up.

Believe Me - Luke CastellanWhere stories live. Discover now