chapter 7

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After giving up on figuring out where I went wrong. I conclude that time and space are the best remedies in this situation. 
Admittedly, I realize I neglected to think past my initial plan, nor did I account for different outcomes. Therefore, I’ve gotten nowhere. At least one of my curiosities has been absolved. They have not had sex and I surmise they haven’t kissed either. 
It astounds me. How she could have such strong feelings for a man she hasn’t been intimate with. Isn’t that how women form those clingy attachments? What was it about him that made her proclaim her undying love? Even now she’s mourning him. I need to know what goes on inside her head.
Her diary!
The answers are just sitting there in black and white, waiting to be discovered. It’s a complete invasion of privacy, probably crossing another one of those physiological lines she draws. A decent man would be patient, but I never claimed to be decent, and I’m male but far from human. Therefore, the rules do not apply to me. Might makes right. I would have used the potion I retrieved as well, but she refuses to eat. If she ever expected me to be decent, she’ll be thoroughly disappointed.
As I watch her from the sofa in my room, I laugh at the fact she sleeps fully clothed, as if she thinks it’s a barrier. Maybe she believes if she dresses in poor fitting clothing, I won’t think of the treasures underneath. If anything, it heightened my interest. She would be better off overly flaunting her body. Stirring my curiosity is like foreplay.
Mysteries have always been my weakness. Even as I boy, I continuously had questions. I had to know how things worked and why they were the way they were. My obsession to uncover every detail and dissect every reason has only grown as I’ve lived. There just hasn’t been anything I couldn’t figure out in a long time.
Until her.
When I’m sure she’s fast asleep, I slip into her room. I know exactly where she keeps her diary in the closet beneath a floorboard. I’m surprised I waited this long. It interested me the day I found it, but I was too busy spreading the word of her under my protection, then enforcing it.
I retrieve the thick text and instead of leaving like I planned. I find myself standing over her.
She’s more striking than cute when her face isn’t contorted in anger. I can see the bow in her lips, the arch in her brows, the dusting of freckles across the bridge of her nose stretching to her cheeks. Even her lips are touched by the pale brown spots. Her cheeks are high. She still has the look of a child.
Tallisa has a timeless beauty; classic and undeniable. As she begins to stir, I sift to my room.
Setting the thick black book down, I pour a stiff drink. I’m sure I’ll need it while taking a trip inside her most inner thoughts. Most of the entries are of Jacob and his teachings. They then shift to adolescent thoughts and worries. Two hours and five drinks in I find her first entry of Jace.  she found him intimidating? Really, him? I go further, delving into her writing with a need that surpasses hunger. The development is slow, but even I can see the shift.
hot for his dips?
What are dips?
The way they disappeared beneath his jeans. 
Ah, she must be talking about the hollow of the hip bones going into the pelvis. Well, I have those and much deeper than her precious Jace. 
He understands me like no one else. I suppose because he really listens when I talk and takes me seriously. 
I read that last part several times. I never stood a chance. She won’t give me one. My anger seethes. Continuing on, it brews, reaching a boiling point.
I’m evil. A waste of space. I need to die a slow, painful death by vultures or flesh-eating ants.
My gods, she’s as dark and as vexed as me. The last entry has me smiling, though not from pleasure. She was happy to come here. Happy to have a shot at killing me. 
Well, Tallisa, I’ve been nice, but you don’t want that. I’ve been trying to play a fair game, not pushing too far or too fast. She’s cut from the same cloth. Nice won’t work. I have to be direct, vicious. I see that now. If I can’t win her mind, I’ll take her body. I’ll make her crave me. Beg for my touch...
The next day. I’m standing over her as she pursues my anger.
“You will eat! If I have to shove it down your throat, I will.”
She glares at me. I lean over her shirtless and in low hung jeans. Tallisa has been awake for hours and has not eaten in two days. I’m unsure how fast the potion works or if it even does, and I intend to find out today. 
She looks at the grilled sandwich longingly, like she’s starving, and it makes me wonder why she would deny herself. Tallisa roughly takes the sandwich from the plate and has a bite, dramatically chewing. I watch rapt. When she swallows her second bite, my muscles flex as I ask;
“How do you feel?”
She shoots me another glare. 
My brows dip in confusion as I scowl at the sandwich. It didn’t work! 
“Eat your sandwich or don’t! I don’t care. I have somewhere to be.” 
That damn witch! Who does she think she’s messing with? I’ll not be made a fool of. 
I push in her door, and she jumps, dropping something in her cauldron.
“What? What is the matter?”
I throw the glass vial on the floor in front of her feet, and she frowns at it, then looks up at me.
“You gave me colored water. It does not work. I should have you hung.”
She backs up, putting both hands up.
“Now just wait a minute! Maybe you did it wrong.” 
I step toward her, growling in anger.
“Are you suggesting I’m too dumb to apply liquid to food?”
She shakes her head vigorously from side to side.
“No sir, not at all! We’ll figure it out, please. Just let me ask a couple of questions, and I’m sure I can fix it.”
She slowly picks up the vial, holding it to the light to inspect it. 
“I’m listening.” I tell her, giving the witch permission to continue.
“How many doses have you given her?”
Just the one I grit out in annoyance.
“Okay, good. So the dose is correct; maybe a touch too much.”
I growl at her judgment. She quickly switches the subject, asking me another question.
“When did you give it to her?”
Is this a trick question?
“Just now, and it didn’t work. I was watching her, and I would know if it had.”
She ignores my answer and continues the bout of questions.
“What do you mean just now? like minutes?”
“Yes minutes.” I repeat.
“Well, that’s the problem. It’s given through the stomach. It takes a while to digest and spread through her system. It would be impossible for anything to take effect that quickly. I’d give it at least an hour, most likely two.”
I look at her, not completely sold by the explanation. She seems to be telling the truth and confident in her answer. It’s been my experience that potions work instantly. 
“How long will it last?” I ask. She throws her shoulders up, and I narrow my eyes, letting her know I’ll be needing an answer.
“Six to eight hours is my guess. That’s the best I can do.”
I close the distance between us. Esmerelda cowers beneath me.
“If this doesn’t work, witch! I’ll be back to rectify the situation, and there will be no talking this time.” 
Esmerelda nods, looking up at me in fear. When I sift back to my room, I check the monitor. Tallisa’s not there.

Saving Tally (last Book 6) Jacobs Broken Mercenaries Where stories live. Discover now