chapter 25

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Three months later...


The gods and goddesses have returned to the heavens. The Snare of Light and the angels’ dagger are safely tucked away under the gods’ constant watch. Hermes is imprisoned in a glass cage in the center of the heavens as a clear example of what happens to those who turn on their brethren. The legend was very literal, and I was able to enter hell after coming to an understanding with Mica, breaking the curse with his permission. All I have to do is deliver him things hell is lacking. The truce is tenuous but I have high hopes. The world has been quiet. Like the calm after the storm. Who knows how long that will last, but for now we’re all enjoying it. All is well, almost.
I judged Cole too harshly. He saved my daughter not once, but twice. If it wasn’t for him... I never imagined he was a man that could truly love, and I was wrong. She’s suffering. Every day I see her lose a little more of the light that once filled her.
At first, she had hope. He’s a phoenix, after all. I did too. We made it a habit to go down to the docks every day at noon and eat lunch. We would wait together and she would watch the spot hoping he would appear, but the days passed, then weeks, and just yesterday she refused to go.
I know she goes to his home in Antarctica when she can’t sleep. I’ve followed there a time or two. She sits and cries quietly, talking to him before falling asleep in the library reading the same sets of books over and over. It’s hard to watch the sadness that lives inside of her.
I’m worried about her. So much so I even asked the gods and goddesses for help in the matter. Even they can’t bring back the dead. 
My only hope is time, but it’s not looking good. I long for her snarky attitude and dark comedic outlook on life. I miss my baby girl.


I wake sometime in the middle of the night. It’s to his voice. The one that haunts me, but tonight it’s clearer. I can hear Cole in my head pestering me. Asking why I gave up on him. I think I’m going crazy. The clawing in my stomach starts and I know I won’t sleep. I get up, pulling on the same plaid pajama bottoms I’ve worn for three days and my Minnesota Twins black hoodie I’ve worn longer. I teleport to the docks. 
The sand all looks the same, but I know. I know where he burned away. I sit there a while looking out at the lake. I’m not sure how much time passes. It could be minutes or hours. It doesn’t matter.
I’m back in Antarctica in the home he envisioned us spending the rest of eternity together. I can’t stay away, no matter how unhealthy Jacob says it is. How ironic that it took Cole’s death for everyone to realize he was good. The worst part is he’ll never know. I cry, like I usually do. By now, I thought my tears would cease to exist. How can my body produce more fluid than what I put in? It’s truly a mystery.
The cameras are absent from this house, but his bed is the same. I lay down slowly, drifting to sleep.
“So, you like the house, just not me in it.”
Jacob’s right. It’s not healthy. I’ve really moved up in crazy town. Now I’m seeing Cole. And with how detailed he looks. I think I may be promoted to mayor of crazy town. Sitting up, I ease closer, reaching out to touch the aspiration. It feels solid and warm like him. I jump back, no longer sure what I’m seeing.
“You’re not real... My gods, I’ve lost it. My marbles are empty.”
The Cole aspiration looks at me with pity. No guilt? 
“I’m real, love. You still have some marbles.”
I laugh. I knew I was losing it. Cole never called me love! Not once.
“Even though you’re an aspiration, maybe the real you can hear me. I love you, Cole. I don’t know for how long or when it clicked, but I do.”
The aspiration comes toward me. I watch its features light up with joy as it peers down at me.
“You don’t know how long I’ve waited to hear those words. I love you too, Tallisa, with all my heart.”
It touches my face, and I jump.
“He’s real tally. I see him too.”
Jacob? Why would I imagine him? My heart begins to race at the possibility.
“I owe you an apology. I misjudged you.”
“You were protecting your daughter. I can respect it.”
I look between them, my head bouncing back and forth as I lean on the edge of Cole’s bed. Jacob looks at me, a smile spreading at my shock.
“I’ll leave you two be. I know she’s in good hands.”
Jacob leaves, and Cole’s hand cups my face. I lean into his touch. Tears of joy rolling down my cheeks.
“Cole, it’s really you.” 
He kneels on the floor, cupping my face and placing a soft kiss to my forehead, then my nose and a lingering one against my lips before pulling back to look in my eyes.
“I’ll always come back to you pet.”
The end...

Saving Tally (last Book 6) Jacobs Broken Mercenaries Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora