chapter 9

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There’s hope for me yet. I watch her through the monitor. Tallisa’s little body is pressed against the door as she watches me stroke myself off. I stare into the door’s eye, directly into hers. When I release. I yell her name. Imagining its her wrapped around me. 
Exiting the bathroom, my attention is caught by what I see on the monitor. Tallisa’s hand disappears beneath the blankets, and her legs spread. I harden once more, and my hand grips the knob. I let go before I think better of it and throw reason out the window.  She’s attracted to me, and I thank the gods. I can use it against her.
Tallisa may loath me but craves the pleasures I have to offer…
She’s back to her old habits. I climb the stairs, and her head peeks up from the book to look at me. I ignore her. When Tallisa realizes I’m headed for the library, she clutches the history book to her chest, hiding the actual title she’s reading underneath. 
Just when I’m sure she’s going to leave, she leans back in her chair, surprising me. I pick the first book in the series she’s secretly reading. The one she devoured in an afternoon and sit in front of her on the other side of the room.
I, too, lean back, taking up a fair portion of the sofa. She narrows her eyes, but I keep mine on the book. A few minutes later, she begins reading. I barely register the words in front of me as I watch her in my peripheral vision. When she turns the page, she looks up at me. Her gaze drops to my lap, lids lowering, and I know she’s recalling what she witnessed last night.
Her eyes travel slowly to mine, and I can’t help the smirk that spreads as I look up at her from under my brows. Getting up in a huff with her book still in hand, she stomps away…
Later on in the day, I find her in the garden. It’s the perfect time to replenish the firewood. The uncut logs are conveniently in her line of vision. Once again, I pretend not to notice her. Placing the wood on the block, I begin chopping.  By my second pile, I’m earnest about the task and remove my shirt to wipe at the sweat dripping off my forehead. 
I scan over the garden and find Tallisa blatantly gazing my way. Keeping at it, I go hard until I’m out of wood and breathe. Sitting on the log in front of her, I take my turn. Unabashedly eating her up with my eyes. I let my imagination go and don’t hide anything I’m thinking or feeling. Tallisa stops pruning the plum tree and acknowledges my presence with a sideways glance. Keeping my eyes on her, I lean back on the stump, brushing my lap off in invitation. 
She flips her middle finger up, stomping away. My amused laughter carries across the yard. I’m growing on her…
Dinner time rolls around. Tallisa is nowhere to be found, and Ozar is late. In all the years he’s worked for me, he’s never been late. I open the kitchen door and scowl at the scene before me. Tallisa is covered in flour kneading dough, and Ozar is dishing a very lavish dinner, but that’s not what makes me scowl.
Tallisa’s head is thrown back in a bout of laughter, and Ozar’s smile stretches from ear to ear. Ozar finally notices me, and his smile drops.
“Sorry, sir. I was just finishing up. Tallisa requested the dinner this evening.”
My anger is evident.
“I expect dinner at dinner! After all, you have all day to prepare for it. Don’t forget, Ozar, you’re easily replaceable.”
He nods, apologizing. Tallisa makes a suspicious noise that sounds like a snort. I glare at her in warning if she can’t see the volatile level of my anger. She truly is foolish.
“If you didn’t poison my food! I wouldn’t be in here distracting your cook!”
I let go of the door and close the distance between us. My rage boils at the surface. 
“If you didn’t blame me for a death, that was highly circumstantial. I wouldn’t have to resort to such tactics.”
I look down at her. Tallisa’s flour covered nose crinkles with confusion. 
“What do you want from me?”
Her voice is honest and low enough for only me to hear. I lose all the heat and I’m replaced with cold disappointment. I leave them, retiring to my room, my appetite suddenly gone.
When I can’t sleep, I take a trip to the garden and enter the cellar. My first search is for Jacob, but the only thing I see is him traveling. Next, I try her friends. I do a double take when the orb clears. What is Cael doing in faery? He sends Austin into oblivion, and I cringe at the blow. Upon closer inspection, I notice the weapon at Cael’s hip. It can’t be? They wouldn’t let the dagger out of sight, unless? Moments later, I see creatures that have no business in faery plague the fields. I view earth to verify my suspicions. 
The sight is hard to swallow even for me. It’s not hard to piece together the events that led to this outcome. Cael is high on power and has made it no secret that he despises humans. It’s no wonder Jacob hasn’t found Mica yet.
Jolene! She’s tucked in the demon’s arms, barreling towards the exit. If he keeps her safe, I’ll have to upgrade him too bearable.  I nearly crush the orb under my fist. I’m useless down here. I watch until they make it through and lose the connection.
I check on dark faery and am surprised when it remains untouched. I find Wrath on his balcony with his little half human, half fae. He’s driving into her from behind with her thick black hair wrapped around his fist as she shutters on his shaft. The erotic image has me envisioning Tallisa in the throes of passion. Wrath pauses, sensing my intrusion, causing Rosa to whine in protest. I break the connection, allowing them to continue. 
Tallisa should know what’s transpired, but that would involve letting her in on my secret. She’ll never believe just my words.
Still undecided, I sift to my bedroom and find her reading in the library sipping on tea. I touch the monitor, thinking how right she looks here in my home. Like this is where she belongs. Where she should be. With me.
After all this time content to be alone, I find I don’t want to be anymore. I want her. 
When I sift to the library, she jumps, clutching the book.
“Relax Tallisa, you can stop hiding your book. I know what you’re reading. I have something important to tell you.”
She begins to defend herself about the book, then pauses. I can see her connecting the dots. 
She remembers the day I came in to read, somehow picking her hidden series. How she was always so careful in hiding it.
Tallisa gets up, and I follow her, demanding she listen. Then I realize she’s headed to my room. 
I let her.
She stares at the wall of monitors, deathly silent. This bothers her tremendously. 
I know the exact moment she realizes I watched her watch me come; calling out her name. Her cheeks blush, and she cringes while staring at the monitor that views her room.
“How dare you?”
Tallisa’s voice comes out a harsh whisper in the silent room.
“This isn’t important.” I tell her gently, but I’m a touch annoyed. 
“The hell it isn’t! I think I’ll decide what’s important to me, thank you.”
She turns on me, her hands on her hips, yelling with anger.
“You just don’t get it!”
She barks. Her eyes are misty, and I have a sudden feeling of guilt that pushes me past my breaking point.
“No, you don’t! I’m not Jace!”
The words tear from my lips as I slam my fist down on the desk next to her. I’ve been holding them back for too long. All my frustrations flash in my mind: Jolene, Jacob, Cael.
“I’m not coy or funny or weak! I’m dishonorable, base, and hard all the time, in more ways than one, thanks to you. You don’t need sweet Tallisa… You need fire. A passion to match your own.”
I’m heaving for air, so is she. Our anger crackles in the air as intense as our attraction. 
Our lips meet in a crushing kiss. She breaks it too soon for my liking and thinks she’s going to leave, but I pull her tight to me her back to my chest, looking at her tear-stained cheeks in the mirror. Her chest is heaving, and her skin flushes.
“Look at me.” I growl, demanding her compliance.
Her head slowly comes up until her eyes meet mine. I glimpse a fragile piece of her she’s never displayed.
“You’re beautiful, Tallisa, and not touching you has been the hardest battle I’ve ever fought.”
I slowly graze the sides of her hips, lifting her arms to lock around my neck and begin to unbutton her shirt. She watches me through the mirror, allowing me to continue. I push into her, showing her exactly what she does to me. Tallisa gasps, making me grin. 
I expose her breasts, pulling her bra past her abdomen. I can feel her heart race beneath my palm.
“See how your nipples pucker and your beautiful breasts swell beneath my watch? Your body is begging for my touch.”
I grasp her breasts, kneading the perfect mounds as I push my erect length between her plump cheeks. A gust of air pushes past my lips at the feel of her against me. 
Pinching her nipples, I apply just enough pressure to cause a sting and leave them throbbing. She softens like putty in my hold. I use one arm to hold her up, and the other travels the length of her abdomen, stopping just above the band of her pants.
“Are you wet for me, Tallisa?” 
She groans, pushing into me, a silent plea for more. Her eyes are shut tight, her head resting on my chest.
“I want you to watch Tallisa. See my face, my hands touching you, feeding you pleasure.” 
She makes a noise of pure frustration, but when my hand doesn’t move, she complies her need stronger than her pride.
When her eyes stare back at mine through the mirror, I reward her, dipping my hand into her slick heat. I work her slowly and firmly, spreading her honey past her folds to the bundle of nerves swollen with her heady arousal. When she nears the edge, I slip my fingers inside her. She spreads for me with hungry need. I slowly work her until her hips are moving in rhythm with my fingers. Once she’s comfortable, I slip a third finger past her tightness. Tallisa’s eyes widen at the overwhelming intrusion. I still inside her, allowing her body time to adjust, then continue massaging her tender clit with my thumb in slow light circles, gradually applying more pressure until her knees weaken and she slides further on my fingers.
I carry that rhythm inside her until she breaks apart in my arms. Before her ragged breathing settled, I had to fight my impulse a dozen times. I want so badly to slam her down on the bed and drive deep into her, but I already feel her pushing away. Any moment now, she’ll get up and run. I can feel it in my bones.
“I need to show you something.” 
I might as well get it over with. Tallisa turns around, a skeptical look on her face.
“It has to stay between us. I’ve told no one, and neither will you.”
My unsaid threat is obvious in my tone. She looks a touch apprehensive but stays quiet. Usually I’d get a smart remark, or she’d flip me off telling me she’s not interested. I hide my surprise under a mask of indifference and run my fingers through my hair. The smell of her sex on my skin makes me insane with hunger. She rights her clothing and stands in front of me, trying to keep her gaze decent; above my waist. I want to push her for my own satisfaction, but I’m playing the long game. 
She follows me out to the garden. I pull back leaves and duck under the tree, following the shallow path.
“Is this where you off me?”
I chuckle, enjoying her dry sense of humor. 
“Not before I get what you owe me.”
She trips on her feet behind me. I’m quick to catch her. She doesn’t pull away as quickly. More progress. I slip the key from my pocket and open the cellar door, stepping aside for her to enter.
“Is this your man cave? You got an x-box in here?”
Two witty remarks. If I knew an orgasm was all it took to lighten her mood, I would have been happy to supply them from day one.
“I don’t know what an x-box is, but I assure you this is worth your time.”
While she looks around, I uncover the orb and ask her;
“If you could see anyone who is currently alive? Whom would you wish to see?”
“That’s an odd question.” She exclaims.
“Just give me a name. Someone I know.”
She takes a moment to think.
The succubus, interesting.  I would have guessed her father. I focus in on the succubus, circling my hands over the orb and make the connection. When the vision appears, I back up, waving her over. Amanda is with Austin and Estevan.  It looks like they’re back at the complex. The orb doesn’t always transmit sound, but their worried expression says enough. Amanda points to a room full of humans.
“What’s this?” Tallisa asks, not looking away from the orb.
“I had the witches make this for me when I discovered I was to take my role as Lucifer. This orb keeps me connected and a step ahead of everyone else.”
She’s silent for a time, then pulls her gaze away from her friends.  It’s the first time she’s looked at me without anger or disgust.  
“Why do I feel like there’s more?”
I nod, more relaxed than I’ve been in as long as I can remember, despite the disarray of the world. 
“Because there is.”
I show her the city. The orb flashes through varying scenes. Some highly grotesque. 
“Is this happening now?”
I nod, sympathetic to her sad state.
“We have to do something! At least try to stop this.”
I laugh bitterly. There’s so much wrong with that statement. I don’t know where to start. 
“I can’t go anywhere, Tallisa . I’m bound here until I find Mica. Remember?”
“I know where he is! Well, not personally, but I have a good idea and know someone that could bring him.”
I narrow my eyes at her. 
“And you're only now telling me?” I exclaim.
“It’s not like that. He could have been anywhere, but now that the world is in shambles, I bet my life he’s in the dimension he held Amber in, and Wrath could find him. He’s great with dimensions.”
Could it be that simple?
“If you’re freed from here, you would help us, right?”
I give her my best highly unlikely expression.  If I get out of here, I’m going far away from humanity where I can finally get some peace... It doesn’t sound so appealing now. Although it’s all I’ve ever wanted. Until her.
“Do this, and... I’ll sleep with you.”
Her proposition is a pleasant surprise. I see an opportunity, and I’ll be damned if I don’t exploit it.
“Is that what you think I want? Your body? I’ll have more than that. If that’s all I wanted, Tallisa. I would have taken it.”
She swallows nervously and grinds her teeth. Just the thought of me driving into her has her aroused.
“Then what do you want?”
My smile comes slow as my heart begins to race.
“Your forgiveness.” 

Saving Tally (last Book 6) Jacobs Broken Mercenaries On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara