Episode 9: New friends/Forces

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(New intro music)

Y/n POV:

"Darkness around me... wait I'm here again?!" I look around I'm inside my mind again. "You got to be kidding me"

Y/n: why am I here again... wait.... Or maybe I'm not... Am I dead?.... IS THIS HELL?!! OH GOD!!

???: relax..... your not dead and this place isn't hell... I'm pretty sure you wouldn't be going there anyway....

I hear the voice behind me, i quickly turned around and was ready for a fight. I then recognized the shadow figure hedgehog with white eyes, it was the same one who saved me from that entity.

Y/n: it's you....

???: ...hello again....

Y/n: ....you're the one who saved me from that evil entity...

???: i am... and that "evil entity", calls himself Rampage. Fueled by negative energy and pure chaos energy... but he's much more than that... He was sealed away deep inside you. But for some reason his seal was slightly broken and he's been trying to get out. Lucky now he's been sealed back again thanks to your friends.

I was confused but mostly shocked as I lower my guard. How is there an evil entity inside me... and more importantly when did it get inside me.... Pause.... More and more questions I need to ask but it's always these question. "How, When, Why?"

???: something wrong

Y/n: what?

???: you seem... to have a lot of things on your mind....

Y/n: well a lot has happened...

Started remembering the faces of my friends and family from what happened. I lower my head and was thinking about them.

Y/n: a lot has happened...

???: ...hey...

I look up to the figure as it looks at me with its glowing white eyes. It gestures me to follow and I agreed, I then start walking behind it. While walking everything around us was changing, from pure darkness to now seeing nature and daylight. The figure stops and turns to me, as I look and see a wooden house behind it.

???: do you remember this house...

I keep looking at the house for a moment I tilt my head. Somehow in a way I do remember it but I don't know why.

Y/n: it's weird but I do... what is this place?

???: something very close to you...

I take a step closer to the house wanting to walk inside, but then in a split of a second, the house was on fire, the sky was orange, nature was dead, and inside the house was two hedgehogs. One seemed to be a female hedgehog that was being choked by a different hedgehog that looked deformed and broken. It was laughing as it was squeezing the life out of the female hedgehog.

Y/n: oh my god...

???: ...

For a moment the female hedgehog was talking as if talking to someone who was also inside the house. I couldn't hear what she was saying. Then the deformed hedgehog opened its mouth and was eating her. Biting down to her bones as blood spill to the ground, each bite crunching down, going to its throat, slowly devouring her as her body dangles from its mouth. As it swallowed the last of her, it looked at the window smiling at me. It keeps staring into my eyes as it knew who I was. I close my eyes, holding and shaking my head. I quickly open them and the house was back to normal, and everything was normal, like as if nothing happened.

World War X (male hedgehog/hybrid reader x fem Sonic characters) by Marc.SWhere stories live. Discover now