𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟹

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as the incubus that you are, i still love you
i'd still claw my heart out of my own chest if you asked me to
even though you make me bleed, it's pure ecstasy to touch you

When you think about a traumatic event in your life, when did you realize your life would never be the same? For me, the realization hit me as soon as I found a fellow classmate floating in her own blood on a white tiled bathroom floor. My bloody handprints surrounded her empty body in smears of obvious struggle.

Since I was the unfortunate one to find Katias body in the bathroom, I had to be taken in for questioning. "Mrs. Evans, I know this is a very emotional situation right now. But the first few hours are the most important for recounting information. I'm going to ask you again. Did you see anyone tonight upstairs with you other than the deceased?" A lanky, dark haired man asked me. From what I had gathered, he was the main detective working Katias case.

"No- well yes- I mean- Zion ran upstairs as soon as he saw me." My voice was thick with tears. Under the table my leg was bouncing up and down. I could hear my heel tap the floor every few seconds. "Zion? Is this your boyfriend?"
"No!" I replied a little too quickly. "Just a friend." I recovered. "He's here to pick you up. I was under the impression he was your boyfriend." His eyebrows lifted in confusion. I couldn't hide the surprise that lit into my face. Why the hell would Zion be here to pick me up? Hes starting to really creep me out.

Changing the subject he said, "Well, Mrs. Evan's if you remember anything, call me." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a contact card with the name Archie Rockwell printed on it. He gave a polite smile and led me out the door and into the corridor.

The halls were that of the asylum halls in movies. Very bland and white. Cold, stale air hit my face. It was late at night so I knew not many people would be here at this hour. All I could hear was our shoes hitting the ground and an AC unit blasting somewhere. As we neared the entrance I spotted Zion patiently waiting in a plastic chair directly in front of the front desk. A blonde patrolwoman with her hair in a slicked bun was standing behind it, presumably looking up some information she needed. My eyes locked onto Zions. Something that I couldn't quite recognize flashed in his eyes. He stood and extended his hand to Detective Archie. They shook hands as if they were lifelong business partners. They parted ways and Zion and I again made eye contact.
"I found your address in your wallet if you want me to take you home." He offered. "Why in the hell were you going through my purse?" I demanded. "I don't know anything about you." He shrugged it off. "And you're not fucking going to. I'll just call an Uber." I snapped.
"With what phone?" He's mocking me. Fucking dick. My lips pressed into a thin line. "Mine?"
"Your phone is dead, Cass." How did he know that? In fact, how did he even know my name earlier when he found me on the stairs? A chill trickled down my spine.

I decided to reason with him. After all, you cant win with a psychopath. "Listen, i've had a rough night. I'd just like to go home and get some sleep." His eyes flashed to my cheek. A grim expression appeared on his face. He nodded his head to the bruise, "who did that to you?" He demanded. I briefly brushed my hand to the tender spot. The makeup must have smudged off amidst my crying spell. "None of your damn business. Now take me home." This has happened before. Someone would see a bruise and question me. I immediately shut down. Adrenaline courses through my veins when someone mentions them. I felt the urge to avert my eyes from his.

"Why don't you stay at my apartment with me tonight? It's a long drive out to your place and i'd prefer if I knew you were safe." Weird. I just met the guy and he's already playing overprotective boyfriend. I have to admit tho, it sounds much better than coming home to Wyatt and explaining why i'm covered in someone's blood. I hesitantly agreed and we piled into the car.

Zions car smelled exactly like him. A minty, herbal smell. There was something comforting about it. The car ride was mostly silent except a few minutes of chit chat. I learned that Zion owns an apartment outside of the frat house because of his need for his own privacy.

The more I thought about going to a house alone with Zion, the more anxious I got. This guy could be planning to take me somewhere and murder me for all I know. My thoughts shifted to Katia. I felt the sudden urge to vomit.
"Pull the car over i'm gonna be sick!" I shouted. Hastily pulling the door handle just in time to empty the contents of my stomach. I could feel the bile burning the inside of my throat raw. Alcohol and murder don't mix well. I heard Zion reach into the glove department and retrieve a wad of fast food napkins for me. "Thanks." I mumbled as I wiped my mouth. I slammed the door shut and told him that it was okay to drive again.
The car jolted to a stop and I lifted myself off the headrest to see a large, white apartment building. My stomach churned. Zion stepped out and walked to my side and opened the door, "Here," he slid his hands underneath me and picked me up from the seat. I groaned in response, too tired to resist. My head bobbed back and forth as he carried me up flights of stairs. My head pounded so hard I thought it would explode. My eyes were glued shut the whole time, fearing light would make my headache worse. I heard the shifting of keys in the lock and a cold blast of air hit my face. At this hour no one was awake in the building and it was, thankfully, quiet. Nothing could be heard other than the soft footsteps of Zion and the creaking of a door. He lowered me onto a soft bed and pulled the sheets over my head. Without opening my eyes, I knew he was putting my phone on a charger and placing it on the nightstand. He turned the light off and left me alone in the dark.
I decided I should turn my phone on and check my messages to see if anyone was worried about me. I'm sure by now they've heard of Katia. Blinking my burning eyes open, I rolled onto my right side and grabbed my phone. I cringed at the brightness. It had already turned on.

1 new voicemail

I clicked to see who it was from. I quickly recognized Katias voice.

"Please! Please Cassidy help me! I- I think he found-"

Her pleads were cut short by the click of the phone hanging up. What. the. fuck. did I just listen to? Was that Katias last moments? My heart started racing out of my chest. Now sleep was irrelevant. How could I ever forget how scared she sounded?

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