𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟽

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"Fuck." Is all I could think to mutter. Everything is just so fucked up. And in so little time. I knew there was no way I could ever trust Zion, as much as I wanted to.

I shut my laptop off and rolled onto my side to go to sleep. So much was running through my mind. I hadn't heard from Wyatt since my first day in the hospital. Zion and I haven't exactly been on speaking terms either. While halfway asleep, happily in a dream about easier times, the door to my dorm clicked shut. I knew immediately who it was.

"How was your night?" I groggily peeked my head out from under the covers. Lisey was in a white tube top paired with cut off denim shorts. Her curvy shape was done justice in her outfit. "It was so good, I wish you could've come!" She frowned, setting her keys onto the desk nestled along the wall between our tiny twin beds. I let out a stressed breath. "Next time, when I don't have so much unpacking to do." She nodded in understanding.

The next morning, after Lisey and I said goodnight to each other and dozed off, I awoke to my alarm blaring beside me. I groaned and turned it off. The horrific sound blissfully stopping. I stepped out of bed, first noticing the vacancy in the one next to mine. She probably had an early morning class. I quickly gathered my shower caddy and headed to the communal bathrooms. I slipped off my silky pajamas and stepped into the already steaming water. I allowed it to run down my body, dissolving the stress into tiny drops, disappearing down the drain.

After my shower, I dressed myself in a oversized, shoulder-cut band tee and sweatpants. The last thing that I wanted to do was dress more than comfortably. I did a once over in the mirror, admiring my silky blonde hair and cool complexion. I grimaced when I noticed the bruise on my cheek slowly healing. Other than that, I looked just how I felt. Tired.

I dreaded Calculus. I shared that class with Zion. I could feel my palms beginning to sweat. It hurt so much worse to know that Katia would've been there with me today. We probably would've chatted while completing whatever assignments we had. I tried to push down the tears that threatened to fall from my eyes, a lump beginning to form in my throat.

I was fortunately on time to class and took a seat next to Katias old one, my usual seat. I neatly placed my materials on the table and began to work on the new assignment.

Class came and went. Zion never showed up though. I went the entirety of the class anticipating his arrival. I was relieved but also immensely curious as to why he didn't come. I found it hard to focus on my other classes. My thoughts were mostly always on Katia. I felt so much guilt for what happened to her. I knew I didn't have anything to do with it. But I could've helped. I could've charged my phone and been more responsible about keeping it on me. I mentally scolded myself at least once a day.

When I got back to my cozy dorm room, I felt so relieved and safe to be back in my own place. My phone dinged in my hand, vibrating up my arm. I turned it towards my face and opened a text from my mother. my heart skipped a beat. Wyatt was dead. He had been murdered three days ago in a warehouse near our old apartment. Now I knew that it wasn't a coincidence. I gulped. There had to be some sort of odd pattern. Was it me? Was I the common denominator? My suspicions were completely set on Zion. His words at the hospital echoed in my mind. "He can't hurt you anymore." He had said.

I oddly felt free. I had been constantly wondering what would come of me and Wyatt, looking over my shoulder and anxious every time someone mentioned his name. However, a nauseating feeling quickly set into my gut as I thought about Zion and his involvement more and more. I needed to either talk to him or stay away completely, praying to God that whatever sick, twisted shit he was into would stay far away from me. But curious to know if my intuition was right.

I couldn't help but wonder if I was safe. I sure as fuck didn't feel safe. Would Zion ever hurt me? Or if I was wrong about him, would whoever the killer is hurt me? It became harder to catch my breath as I spiraled into a panic attack. I needed to get the fuck out of here and try to focus on something else. I decided i'd go to the library to study for an upcoming exam. I packed my Jansport book bag and headed out the door anxiously.

As soon as I arrived at the library, I knew it was a calmer night here than usual. Not many students were around. Probably partying or doing something else to fuck up their futures.

I plopped down into a leather chair near a couple of bookcases, filled with yellowed pages of books, flipped by hundreds of fingers over the years. The library was always a relaxing spot for me. I would come here a lot to cool down from fights with Wyatt. My heart sank at the thought of him. We were awful for each other, but I always had hope in us. I'd hope that one day he would change. Unfortunately, he would never get the chance to.

I pulled out my laptop and a textbook. I flipped to the right page and started reading, occasionally typing notes into my computer. I only got a few minutes of focusing before my attention span gave out and my mind went to the darkest thoughts possible yet again. Outside, I could hear rain start to pour as lightning struck, sending a brief flash of yellow through the windows. Thunderstorms were the perfect condition to sleep to. I grew tired at the thought and decided it was time to head back.

After packing up and leaving. I made it to the main doors of the dorm and closed my little pink umbrella, dipping inside to dry off. I made it to my room and fumbled for my keys, only noticing the door was already unlocked when trying to push my key inside. Lisey must be home. I thought to myself, dismayed at not being able to be alone for a while.

I pushed the door open and stepped inside. It was completely pitch black. No noise could be heard except the soft crunch of a footstep closing in behind me. I felt a hand cup over my mouth, prompting my failed attempt at a scream.
"Relax, it's just me." I heard a familiar voice murmur into my ear.

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