𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟻

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I've only woken up in the hospital three times in my life. Once when I was six and broke my arm, the second time I was twelve and crashed my bicycle into a trashcan and severely scraped my legs. The third time, I was eighteen and my boyfriend beat me so bad that I could barely raise my head off a pillow. That's when my family found out that the girl that had isolated herself from them in attempt to protect her was actually in an abusive relationship and couldn't stand the thought of someone finding out.

My frail mother sat in a blue recliner next to my bed, waiting for me to open my eyes.
When I finally did, she jumped up and cupped my hand in her own tiny hands. The warmth from her poured into my skin. My mothers comfort was the only thing that could save me when I couldn't recognize my own face.

"Oh, Cass. I'm so sorry." Her eyes welled with tears.
Even though it was impossible, I wanted to stop everyone else from getting hurt in this situation too.

He hit me, but he hurt everyone who loves me. I squeezed her hand in response, assuring her that it was okay. She gave a gentle smile and sat back in her seat. I heard a timid knock at the door.
I turned as Detective Archie strolled into the room.

"Hi mrs Evan, I know it's a bad time but we have new evidence on the case." He offered an apologetic smile.
"It's okay. I wanna help in any way I can." He stepped forward and pulled a manila envelope from his jacket. He peeled it open and handed it to me. My breathing became sharp.

"Where did you get this?" I looked up at him anxiously. My heart beat quickened and a lump formed in my throat. My eyes bore into the picture set in front of me. It was an obviously drunk Katia at the party with an unknown man. Making out in the bathroom that she was found in. So many thoughts ran through my mind.

"Anonymous tip. We wanted to follow up with you and see if anyone was familiar." Even though the man's face was concealed by Katias hair, he looked so familiar. I couldn't place my finger on what his face looked like, but I was almost sure I saw him that night. "He looks familiar but I cant place a name to him or anything, i'm sorry." I handed it back with a frown.

My mom stood up, "I think it's best that we go and let her rest." She kissed the top of my head and led him out. He waved goodbye and wished me well. I felt so damn useless. My best friend was murdered and I cant even place a fucking name of her possible killer.

A young, interning nurse stepped into the room and injected a liquid into my IV. Through heavy and burning eyes, I could hear mumbling outside of my room. Huh. I wonder what Detective Archie and my mother could possibly be talking about.

I awoke again, this time the window in my room revealed pitch black darkness, indicating it was nighttime. I raised my head and winced as pain soared down my temple and through to my neck. "Take it easy Cass." I looked up to see Zion pressed against the doorframe. His soft blonde hair was freshly cut and he was wearing a black t shirt that perfectly contoured his muscular build. His eyes grew sympathetic at the grisly sight of my face. "You don't have to make me feel uglier than I already do." I rolled my eyes in frustration, and genuine insecurity.

"Cass there is nothing wrong with you. It's him that should be sitting in a fucking hospital bed." Sympathy quickly turned to fury. He moved closer to my bed and cupped my chin up to meet his eyes. I had never noticed how brown they were. It was the type of brown that melts you as soon as you look into them.

"I'm not leaving you Cass. You might not like me, but you need me right now." He let go of my chin to lay down beside me. I jerked back in fear.
"I don't think this is a good idea." My body began to feel numb. I didn't think i'd ever be able to touch anyone again. Especially a man. So many emotions were running through me at this thought. What if i'd never love again? Or kiss someone for the first time again? Or even just hold hands like a normal fucking person? He looked understandingly at me and nodded. "That's okay. But i'm still gonna stay." He walked around the bed and sat in the chair my mother had been in hours prior. We stayed silent for a moment.

I heard him inhale, "He can't hurt you anymore." He said without looking at me. My eyes lifted to him. "What does that mean?" I worried.

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