Ch-14 New love?

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Vansh was pacing back and forth in his room.

Vansh- Aghhhhh ....... What is happening to me ?

Ridhima, Ridhima what are doing to me?

Am I really in love with you?

Suddenly Vansh heard a voice.

He turned back and he saw a girl of around 15 years.

Vansh- Appu

Appu- Vansh , what are you thinking about?

Vansh- Appu you know right what is happening with me .

I don't understand what should I do?
This girl Ridhima is making me insane.

Appu- And you are confused about it ?

Vansh why are you so confused?

She makes you feel home,
She makes you feel peace.

She makes you feel insane.

When she is with you it's your bliss,
But when she is not around it becomes your misery.

You can't imagine your life without her anymore.

If this is not love then what is it ?

Vansh- you mean I am in love with her?

Appu- Do I still need to say this?

Vansh- But how can I Appu?

I love you. We love eachother since childhood.

Appu- I was your past Vansh. I am not with you .
You are just imagining me.

Life is giving you another chance.
Please don't miss it.
Accept your feelings for her.

Vansh started to think about it and when he saw in her direction she was not there.

Vansh- I was imagining you again?

I think you are right Appu.

I should accept my feelings for her.

Yes, I love her

Ridhima I love you.


Ridhima's pov

I was going towards Siya's room when I felt someone behind me.

Before I could do something that person dragged me towards the nearest room.

He/she pushed me in that room and before I could do something the door was locked.

There was burning coal everywhere.

Aghh I can't withstand with smog.

I need to do something.

I started to bang the door and ask for help.

Ridhima - Hello?.... Somebody help me .

Please help me . I don't wanna die please.

Please help .

Somebody help me please.

After sometime I started to feel dizzy.

My vision turned blurry.

I was about to collapse when I heard a voice from my behind.

???- You can't loose your hope Ridhima.

Ridhima- I can't do anything Vansh.

Vansh- You are my fighter.

See there , there is a window.

You can use that.

Ridhima suddenly gained her full consciousness back.

She still feel Vansh beside her.

He streched his hands towards her asking for her hand.

Ridhima without thinking twice gave her hands in Vansh's hand.

They started walking towards the window.

They are walking on the coal.
But Ridhima didn't feel any pain . She was just looking in Vansh's eyes and same goes with him.

They reached near the window andwent out of the room.

She started breathing heavily .

Ridhima- V...Vansh we are out . We are saved.

She looked beside her and no one was there.

Ridhima - Sir?  Where did he go?

Wait was I imagining him?

But why? I always wanted Kabir beside me when I was in any trouble.

Then why today I imagined Vansh sir beside me when I was in this problem?

I always wanted Kabir because I love him?

Do I now love Vansh sir?

Am I in love with him?

Sometimes destiny has another plan for us .
And that plan turns to be the best plan.

So here i am with the new chapter kyunki beyond my mask crossed 900 reads and 200 votes.

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