Chapter 1

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Cold air is filling her lungs as she's running for her life. A cracking noise on her right. She's stopping for a moment and risking a look. A pair of green eyes meet hers. Her heart is racing like the one of a race horse and her warm breath is showing in the cold darkness underneath the light of a street lamp. There's no one who could help her now. The streets are empty. Beside the silence there's the sound of water from a fountain right behind her. She's shaking and tears are rolling down her beautiful face. "Please I didn't do anything!"
A splashy noise sounds through the night air as she's falling in the fountain behind her while stumbling back. Her eyes are filled with horror. "Don't hurt me-NO!"


Nothing but really annoying silence. "Guys please! Can you stop looking at me like that?", Emily says kind of annoyed. She didn't even had her first coffee yet and it's way to early for this. "What do you mean? We're not staring at you", Morgan answers smiling and takes a sip of his coffee. "Do you think she'll eat her alive or already dead?", Garcia asks, while drinking her coffee out of her unicorn cup. The kitchen with the coffee machine is probably one of the most important places of the BAU. Long nights with sometimes no sleep at all are part of the job.

Emily laughs the comment of the technical analyst off. "Guys, Spencer is a really nice guy and I won't believe, that his twin sister is so different than him. Even if Hannah is, she didn't eat you guys and probably even likes you. So why should it be any different with me?"

Morgan and Garcia look at each other, then at Prentiss and then again at each other. "Oh, she would have, believe me. Hannah is a nice person, but she can be really cold and distant especially with those two here", JJ says pointing at Morgan and Garcia while joining the conversation.

Emily turns around and heads to her desk. "Oh, you too, JJ?" The blonde smiles about the comment. Garcia whispers to Morgan: "And we weren't responsible for not knowing, that Hannah hates surprises. Otherwise we wouldn't have brought the stripper to her party." Derek has an unpleasant expression on his face, while remembering this event. "Right baby girl. We couldn't have known." JJ laughs. "Oh, I warned you two. But you wouldn't listen. If I remember right Garcia's words were: 'Everybody loves surprises. That's a fact.'"

Penelope gives JJ an insulting look. "Jennifer Jareau, you're pure evil." Morgan laughs and lays one arm on each one. "I think we discussed this enough. Hotch is already looking at us. Let's get back to work." Garcia and JJ nod and go back in their offices.

A few hours later:

Emily tried to concentrate on the paperwork in front of her, but the conversation she just had, takes her mind off every time she tries to focus. The desk of Reid on her left is empty, because he went to the airport to pick up his twin sister. It worries Emily even more to know, that he's been gone some awfully long time now and he could be back any minute. Even though she laughed all of her colleagues comments from before off, all the stories about the other Reid make her awfully insecure. What if Hannah really doesn't like her? In her head are so many fatal scenarios about meeting Spencer's sister. Angry at herself for making this such a big thing in her head, she stands up and heads to the bathroom to get a fresh look on things. Morgan notices. "Hey, are u okay?"

"Fine. I just need a minute."

He nods and goes on with his paperwork of the last case. But JJ, who overheard, senses something is wrong and follows Emily.

In the bathroom:

The black haired leans on the sink and takes a few deep breaths to get her mind back on the important things like for example work. Especially now with the tower of files on her desk. Someone stepped out of one stall, but Emily keeps her eyes closed, while kind of meditating. Something she does since she joined the BAU to help her fall asleep after the horrorfying cases.

"Hard day at work?", the voice of a woman asks.

Emily laughs. "Something like that."

"Is there even something like work?"

"Not really", Emily sighs, "It's someone I'll soon work with and my colleagues drove me crazy with stories about this person. Normally I can handle things like that really good. And it pisses me off that I can't do it right now.", she looks up, „Anyways, I gotta go." As Prentiss turns around to leave the bathroom, she immediately stops as she sees, how beautiful the stranger in front of her is.

The woman she just spoke with is stunning. Athletic, good-looking and really hot. Her wild, long, wavy, blond hair falls over shoulders and her ocean blue eyes look relaxed at Emily. "Well, then good luck with your new colleague..." The blonde goes to the sink and as she washes her hands the silver rings on her fingers catch Prentiss's eyes. The rest of her outfit looks comfortable, but still supports her pretty figure at the same time. She's a little bit taller than Emily, but still round about the same height. The black haired stares at the blonde as there's something about her whole attitude, as JJ walks in. "Emily, are you oka- Hannah! You're back!"

Emily couldn't believe, what she just heard. She spoke the whole time with Reid's twin sister and didn't even think about the possibility that this woman is Hannah. She really doesn't look like Spencer. There's literally no resemblance between those twins.

"Yeah, I just arrived. It seems my surprise is ruined then?", Hannah answers and turns around.

JJ smiles. "Seems like it."

They give each other a fast hug. "We missed you. It's good to have you back", Jennifer says smiling bright.

"Well, it's good to be back."

Hannah doesn't seem that bad, Emily thinks relieved, that her colleagues just joked around. Though it still doesn't explain the silent treatment from Spencer whenever she asked about his sister.

JJ turns around to me. "Well, it seems you two have already met. Emily, that's SSA Hannah Reid. And Hannah, this is SSA Emily Prentiss. She just joined the BAU and is really a benefit for the team."

Emily reaches out for a handshake, but Hannah just nods at her appreciating. Something about Reid tensed up as she heard, that Emily is her new colleague and Prentiss quickly pulls her hand back wondering what just changed. JJ noticed and wanted to change the subject as suddenly all of their phones got a new message. This could mean just one thing: The BAU has a new case. The three women left the bathroom heading to the briefing room, where Agent Hotchner, Derek Morgan and Dr. Reid already waited for them.

The first chapter is finished. The next one will come online on Tuesday 9th. Until then I would appreciate all of your suggestions for improvement or just how much you like it until now.

Yours, Bjelde <3

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