Chapter 1.1

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"Good to have you back on the team", Hotchner says with a serious tone in his voice. Morgan gives Hannah a smile. But she's already in her work-mode. "So we have a new case?", she asks without any big greetings, while sitting down on her chair at the roundtable. Aaron answers appreciating: "Not an hour back and more motivated than ever. Exactly what we need right now. JJ..." He hands Jennifer the remote for the screen and sits down with the other team members. A horrifying picture of the body of a woman laying in the water of a fountain shows up on the big screen. Her throat was cut so deep, one could see the anger behind it and her head is shaved. On the skin of her wrists is the word: 'Sinner' cut in. JJ sighs. "Last night a young couple found this body in a fountain in the middle of the streets of New York. It's a woman possibly in her mid thirties. We don't have an ID and there are still no women reported missing yet, who match the profile. The UnSub cut her deeply in the throat. She died almost immediately after that. The special thing is, that her hair was cut and her head was shaved, but there're no traces of the missing hair. On her wrists they engraved the word 'Sinner' in her skin, probably with some kind of knife. She's the third victim of the same UnSub. Just one of the other two has been ID'd. Sharon Miller, 25, lived alone with a dog." The picture of Sharon Miller turns up.

"So they were all about the same age and women...", Hotch thinks out loud. JJ nods. "Also all victims had the unusually cut on their throats, which lead to their death and their heads had been shaved. But she's the only one with the word 'Sinner' cut in her skin. The NYPD called us after they connected the murders and received this a few days ago." A note shows up on screen. Dr Reid reads it out loud. "All sinners shall die."

"How are we sure, that the UnSub wrote this?", Morgan asks as there's no signature.

"They put something of the victims hair in it. Matches with the missing one of the latest victims", JJ explained.

"Maybe a scream for attention?", Emily asks. "Could be possible. They definitely want to send a message here", Hannah answers, while looking in the files handed out to everyone with all the information they have until now. Spencer supports the theory with some statistics, which tell how much serial killers actually want to get attention and send a message. It's surprisingly high. Hannah smiles a little bit about her brother, the ultimate nerd. Eventhough their relationship has been and always will be tough, she still loves him so much. But that she'd never admit to him. They're not the kind of siblings, who can talk about something like this so good. Spence is a man of logic and it's hard for him to express his feelings sometimes. Growing up together, Hannah turned out to be not so good at it either. The one thing the two of them have in common.

"Good thinking. The UnSub definitely has a pattern and in his mind all of these women somehow are sinners. We have to find out, why. Wheels up in twenty", Hotch orders motivated to solve this case as fast as possible. They all nod and go to get their bags.

In the jet:

"Morgan, Spencer, you two will go to the crime scene. Prentiss and the other Reid, go take a look in the house, where Sharon Miller lived. Try to gain a look in how she lived and figure out what these women could have in common and why they're 'Sinners'. JJ, you're with me. We'll go to the NYPD and get set up. I'm gonna call Garcia. Maybe she can find out, who our unidentified victims are." Hotch leaves the circle, in which the team always gathers, to call Garcia.

Hannah also leaves the group and sits down on the seat in the corner of the jet. Except Emily no one seems to notice. Instead of doing so, the rest of the team focuses on the files one more time before landing. It's not because they don't care. The blonde Reid always separates from the group before getting involved into a new case. It's kind of a ritual of hers. This way she can close her eyes for a second and take a breath before slipping into the serial killer's mind.

"Coffee?" Emily interrupts the blonde's thoughts. There's a minute of silence until Hannah realizes, that her new colleague spoke with her. "Yes, thank you." Emily gives her the second cup, that she was holding and sits down on the other side of the table with her own. "I figured you needed one, considering that you maybe are already jet lagged from your flight a few hours ago."

"Well, you considered right." Hannah smiles the first time since she found out, that Emily is her colleague and it gave Em the best feeling to know so. The blonde noticed how happy Prentiss looks at her and for the first time in months she finally feels good again, too.

At Sharon Miller's house:

Agent Reid and Prentiss arrived at the small house of Sharon Miller outside the city. Some beautiful pink roses grow all around the house, so it doesn't look much like the house of a dead woman.

Hannah looks around. "Odd... The owner of this house lived alone and is dead since three weeks. So why are the roses still looking like someone takes care of them?"

"You're right. This house was a crime scene and no one should be on this propert-", Emily couldn't finish. "HELP! I'M IN HERE, HELP ME!" The screams of a woman came out of the house, which belonged to Sharon Miller. Both agents exchange alarmed looks and pull their weapon. "HOLD ON", Hannah yells and rushes in with Prentiss right behind her.

Inside it was dark and there's stuff all over the floor like there's after a fight. The two FBI Agents cleared the house, but without a sign of the woman, who just screamed for help. Emily makes a disgusted face. "Oh, what is that smell?"

Hannah holds her arm over her mouth. "I don't know, but it comes from in here- Oh god..." She just stands there, shocked. Emily notices and goes to her. "Reid? What's- Oh, no..." In the kitchen in front of them is laying the fresh body of a woman covered in mud. There're many flies gathering over a missing arm and the hair of the woman is missing. Someone wrote the word 'Sinner' with blood all over the wall. There's still blood coming out of the woman's throat from the deep cut. "Prentiss... The wound is still bleeding and fresh. The UnSub escaped through the window over there. We could still get him. Call Hotch. We need road blocks in a 2 mile radius."

Emily nods and explains the situation to Hotch on the phone. After that she joines Hannah, who's kneeling next to the body and examining the scene. "The UnSub came back, why? And why for god's sake on the previous crime scene of Sharon Miller's murder? To destroy the evidence of a murder from three weeks ago?", Prentiss wonders. "I don't know. This doesn't make any sense. And who is our body here and what the hell is she doing in a dead woman's house?" Hannah sighs. "Let's go outside. I can't think with this smell." Emily nods at the recommendation from the blonde. "Sounds good..."

That's it for this week. I hope you like it until now. On next Tuesday the next part comes online.

Until then,

Bjelde <3

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