Chapter 2.1

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A strange, but also familiar smell wakes Emily. She's laying in someone's arms and feels really safe. So she snuggles closer to the other body and closes her eyes. Suddenly there's the soft touch of a hand putting the hair from her face behind her ear. Wait! She can't remember going to bed with someone. In the next moment her eyes are wide open and she gets up a little, just to look into Hannah's red face. As if Emily just caught her doing something embarrassing, which she has. Hannah is playing with her hair and still holds her in her arms. But instead of being upset about this Emily gets excited. Hannah gets nervous and draws back. „I-I'm terribly sorry, I wasn't-" Emily grabs her wrists and holds Hannah close. The blonde looks irritated at Prentiss, because she doesn't know what's going on. Without another word Emily crawls closer, so she's on top of Hannah now. Their eyes meet and Prentiss leans down. They can feel each others breath as Prentiss's lips slowly touch Hannah's. It's a really soft kiss asking for more. Emily stops and looks down nervously about the reaction of Hannah. The blonde smiles and pulls Prentiss's body down on hers. „Don't stop." Emily smiles relieved and they kiss another time. But this time it's intense and it may sound strange, but in this moment there are no secrets between them, just unspoken feelings. More than they ever could express in words. Hannah's hands go through Emily's black hair and their tongues start to play with each other. Emily pulls out of the kiss heavily breathing and helps Hannah out of her shirt, but stops as she sees the the muscles of the blonde. Hannah notices. „What? Disappointed?"
Emily smiles. „No, not at all."
The brunette's been with another woman just once before, but this time feels completely different. She feels drawn to Hannah's body and can't get enough. Happy about the whole situation, she gets out of her shirt too and starts kissing Hannah's neck. The blonde moans. „Agent Prentiss, I didn't know, that you are a dominant one."
Emily leaves a mark on Hannah's neck and stops for a second. „Well, we haven't known each other for that long, have we?"
„There's just one problem...", Hannah answers teasing.
Emily raises an eyebrow. „And that is?"
Hannah lays her arm around Emily's waist and turns her around, so she's on top now. „I'm the dominant one."
„Well, that is a problem", Emily responses biting her lip. Hannah holds her down and starts kissing her deep and slow. Then the blonde goes down with her kisses and stops at Emily's underwear asking for permission with her look. Prentiss nods and gets out of her panties. At first Hannah teases her by licking around her clit, then she starts licking Emily, who moans.
As she's almost cumming Hannah stops and gets back on top of her. She starts kissing Emily again and at the same time her finger finds the brunette's clit. Prentiss moans in Hannah's mouth and starts stimulating Agent Reid's pussy, too. Hannah moans surprised and they stop kissing. Emily says heavily breathing: „If I'm gonna cum, you cum with me!"
Hannah nods and they both moan and breath heavier. After a while Hannah's whole body starts tensing up. „Emily! I'm gonna cum! Are you ready?" Prentiss nods. „Holding it already back."
They both keep deep eye contact as they let go. They moan one last time and hold onto each other's body as they cum. Hannah falls down next to Emily on the bed and catches her breath.
„Wow, that was-"
„...incredible", Hannah finishes the sentence.
They both laugh and just lay next to each other for a few minutes. Hannah turns around and puts her forehead against Emily's. „I really like you, Prentiss."
Emily closes her eyes taking in all of Hannah's presence. „Me too... Reid."
Hannah laughs.
„So, what are we, Hannah?"
„I don't know. Friends, for now..."
Emily nods. „Hotch can't know. He has just begun to respect me. I can't risk that. Promise me, you won't tell anyone until in a few weeks."
Hannah puts her hand on the side of Emily's face. „No one will know until you are ready. I promise, Em. But do you want to go further and find out what this is between us?"
Emily kisses Hannah. „Yes, I'd love to. Just keep it private for the beginning."
Hannah smiles. „Sounds good to me. You hungry?"
„Yes, I'm starving."

This was another short exam, because I am in the middle of my last exams. I hope you liked it and as always stay tuned.
Until next Tuesday,

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