Chapter 1.3

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Back at the NYPD:
„Prentiss, are you sure that you don't want to go to a hospital and get yourself checked out?", Hotchner asks the third time concerned about his colleague. Emily sits on a chair next to him and holds her head. „I've been through worse. I'm fine, Hotch".
Spencer hands the brunette an ice pack. „Here. Put this on your head."
„Thank you, Spence". She takes the pack and it helps with the pulsating pain. „Will Morgan be okay?"
„He's still in surgery, but the doctors told Garcia and JJ, that it looks good. Thanks to Hannah's quick help in the tunnels", Hotchner explains. Emily smiles. „Yeah, and not just Morgan. Hannah also saved me down there. Twice."
Hannah keeps her eyes on the UnSub, who sits behind the glass in the interrogation room. „I just did my job. Now shall we?"
The unit chief nods and both of them go into the interrogation room. Hannah maybe looking focused on the outside, but on the inside the memories of the previous events let her heart jump. How Emily was lying on her after the blonde just saved the brunette... How close they were... How she held Emily... The eye contact...

A few hours later:
Agent Hotchner and Agent Reid finally come outside. „We have a location of the other UnSub. Hannah and Emily, you drive to the location, Garcia just sent you. JJ will join you. The other Reid is with me. We'll come from the front, you three take the back. Stay safe!"
Everybody nods and runs off to the cars.

At the location:
„The door's locked!" JJ finds out, while trying to enter the house, where the other UnSub is hiding. Hannah steps forward and tries to kick in the door, without any luck. „Something heavy must be blocking the door from inside", Prentiss says and Hannah stops. The blonde Reid looks up and sees a window. „I'll climb up and let you in." With these words Hannah climbs up and smashes the window. She takes a look inside. The window is directly over a set of stairs. She sighs and climbs through it inside. „This will hurt..." One last breath and seconds later she feels a sharp pain on her arm from the fall on the stairs. She lays there for a moment groaning in pain and gets up. Infront of the door is standing a desk with a chair on it. She frees the way and let's the other two girls in. Emily notices, that Hannah's in pain and sees the stairs next to them. „Did you jump on the stairs?"
Hannah nods and holds her side in pain. „Not doing that again soon."
Emily laughs kind of impressed. „Holy shit! That's really badass."
Agent Reid turns red. „Thank you. But it's also really dumb. Let's clear the area."
They all nod and start searching. After a while they found the other UnSub and Emily tackles him to the ground, because he tried to run away. They arrest him and drive back to the NYPD. Except Emily and Hannah. They drive to the hospital, because of Hannah's jump on the stairs and of course to see Morgan, who's finally out of surgery.

Back in the jet:
Everyone's tired after solving this case. Especially Morgan, Emily and Hannah, who all got hurt. The blonde Reid fell asleep first and Emily, who sits next to her, did so too, right after her. Hannah looks up. „I just did my job."
Emily is so close to her right now, looking right into her eyes with a hand resting on the blonde's leg and she just can't help it. She looks down on Emily's lips almost leaning in, as her phone rings. Hannah turns around to get it, but Prentiss grabs her wrist and says: „We both know you didn't just do your job back there. You liked it to have me on top of you."
Heavy breathing and with her heart racing, Hannah wakes up. She needs a minute to know where she is and who's sitting next to her sleeping. Emily... Thank god, it was just a dream, she thinks and turns around. Prentiss looks so peaceful and pretty with her black hair falling over her face, while sleeping. Usually Hannah doesn't feel this way about someone, who she just met. But with Prentiss she's like a different person. A better version of herself, who's actually ready to trust someone. It's been only a few days and Emily already got a place in Hannah's heart.
„What?", Prentiss has her eyes opened and looks at her.
Hannah smiles. „Nothing. I didn't mean to wake you. How's your head?"
Emily chuckles. „Hurting."
The blonde stands up and holds her side. The doctors at the hospital said, that she's lucky, that she didn't break a rib. But it still hurts, while standing up.
She gets her jacket, puts some ice from the jet fridge in it and gives it to Emily. „Here. We don't want your beautiful head hurting."
Prentiss takes it looking surprised and puts it on her head. „Thank you, Hannah"
Moments later the brunette is back asleep and the blonde falls asleep too after watching Prentiss for a few minutes.

This is a rather short chapter, because I had an important exam today and not enough time. I hope you still like it. Until next Tuesday!

A LOVESTORY LIKE NO OTHERजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें