Chapter 1.2

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At the crime scene:

"There really wasn't someone near, who could've noticed the murder, that took place right here?", Spencer asks while looking around the crime scene. "It was a Thursday night, Reid. Most of the people, even here in the city, were probably asleep. But it's still odd. Why would the UnSub choose such a public place to murder someone?", Morgan answers. The fountain is located between some high skyscrapers in the middle of the city. A more public place doesn't exist. The NYPD officer on the scene suddenly notices something, while looking at the body. "Agents? I think you want to see that."

Reid and Morgan walk over to him and stop as they see, what the Officer was talking about. The body of the most recent victim misses one finger. Derek looks confused and asks: "There wasn't something mentioned of a missing finger in the files, Officer..."

"That's because this morning, the body wasn't missing a finger. I remember, because I was the first on the scene", the police officer answers.

"So the UnSub came back to cut the finger off?", Reid speculates. "Call Hotch, Reid." Spencer nods and is about to call Agent Hotchner as he suddenly stops. "Morgan...", Derek looks up, "Hotch already send a message. Emily and Hannah found another body of a woman with the same MO in the house of Sheron Miller. They set up road blocks in a two mile radius, because the UnSub is probably still somewhere near... So how can he cut off the finger here, in the city, under police surveillance of the scene and at the same time kill another woman outside of the city?", Reid wonders.

"Because we're dealing with two UnSubs", the Agents both realize at the same time.

At the NYPD:

The whole PD gathered around the Agents of the BAU and Agent Hotchner starts the briefing: "We're looking for two UnSubs and one of them is somehow already involved into the investigation..."

Emily doesn't listen anymore. It bugs her, that there's been a murder at a previous crime scene and the worst thing is, that the UnSub got away with it, right under the noses of two FBI Agents.

Hannah is standing next to Prentiss behind Hotchner and seems to notice, but doesn't say anything. Simply because Emily seems really pissed and the blonde doesn't know her that well, yet.

After the briefing Morgan comes up too Emily. "Prentiss, Hotchner wants us to check in with the Medical Examiner. May give us a lead on the identity of these women. Given the circumstances, that the UnSubs return to their previous crime scenes, victimology is a priority. Now more than ever. You wanna join me?" The brunette clears her throat. „Actually... Morgan, if you don't mind I'd rather stay here. Get a new view on the case with Spence."
He looks surprised. Usually Prentiss would always take part in some action helping to catch the UnSub, rather than sitting still and looking on some files. „Sure, no problem. I'll just take Hannah with me." Emily nods relieved and is just about to turn around, as Derek asks concerned: „Prentiss... Are you okay?" She smiles kind of sad and looks down on the ground. Her hands are massaging her neck and she's taking a deep breath. As she looks back up, Morgan can see, how much it tingles her, to know that the UnSubs got away twice. „I will be", she answers and heads to the conference room, where Spencer works leaned over his maps.

Emily sighs. „There has to be something, that we don't see. How can the UnSub just disappear in the area flooded with police? He can't get through the road blocks. They're way too secured. So where is he hiding and where the hell is the other one?"
Spencer thinks about it again and realizes something. „What if we just can't find this one, because he's underground. The profile would support it. He's an outsider and hides there."
The phone starts ringing and Emily takes it. Penelope's voice sounds through. „Hello my cowgirl, I think I did it again."
She smiles about the technical analysist and answers: „You're on speaker, Garcia. Spencer can hear you, too. Tell us what you found, babygirl."
„Hi, boy genius." As he hears his nickname from Garcia he smiles. „Hey, Garcia."
„So sweet... Anyways, I found out, who our most recent victim is. Her name is Cally Miller and she's Sharon's long lost sister. So, I digged a little in the Miller's history. There was a complaint from the parents many years ago, because of the family living a few houses next to them, who had two sons. And the victim, who was found in the fountain, turns out to be Anna Floyd, who's an old friend of the Miller's girls. I tracked down Anna's mother in a retirement home and she told Hannah and Morgan, who I sent there some interesting things. Like that they all knew the two boys from the neighbors. My point is, that one of these boys, Dylan Brown, was in an accident and lost an eye in it. After that he was an natural outsider. Anna, Sharon and Cally were seen bullying Dylan. And not just them. The whole,e neighborhood looked strange at the boy. But his brother, Shawn Brown, though never ignored Dylan, because of how he looked after the accident. Instead Shawn loved him more than before and they became really close. And now hear this: After the death of their mother their dad left and the two of them disappeared. Lately they were found by the Police underground, where they lived for months."
Emily stands up. „Garcia, send me the coordinates of where they were hiding exactly. That's where Dylan must be hiding from the police, who's all over the place. Reid get your vest! Oh, and send some back-up, Garcia. Thanks!", she says while running out. Reid is right behind her.

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