𝕊𝕀𝕏 [ℂ𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕟𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 𝕒𝕟𝕕 ℝ𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕝𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟]

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[Whispers of Mischief]
[Chapter Six]

"I'm listening to my heart..."


Y/n felt the water tension snap as he resurfaced, running his hands through his soaked hair and shaking his head for a moment. "I thought I'd find you here," Ben's voice caught Y/n's attention as the young Cheshire placed his hands on the platform and lifted himself out of the water.

"What do you want?" Y/n asked as he sat on the end of the circular platform and grabbed his towel, drying himself off as he stared at the water before him.

"You didn't come home," Ben spoke as he stood behind his brother, dressed formally for the event that was happening later that day. "I was worried but then... Mom told me..." He hung his head as his voice lowered. "I figured that you needed some time alone but then when I still didn't hear from you, I had to come to find out if everything's alright?"

"Everything's perfect," Y/n muttered, his lips curled into a small smile, eyes seemingly void of emotion as he stared at the ripples that shook across the usually calm water.

"Yeah and I'm a superhero," Ben chuckled as he walked closer to his brother. "The coronation's today..."

"So?" Y/n didn't move as he just sat there, dropping his towel to the side as he took a big yawn.

"Well, you've got a little while to come home and change into... Your form of formal wear," Ben shrugged as he spoke.

"If you know about that then I don't see why you think I'm going to the Coronation," Y/n chuckled as he shook his head.

"Probably because you are my brother," Ben sounded confused as he spoke, his eyebrows furrowing as he looked at Y/n. "You've been giving me grief about this, literally, my entire life so..." He added with a laugh.

"That was before..."

"Before what?" Ben cut Y/n off. "Before we knew you were adopted because we both know that's bull," The prince said with a questioning look in his eyes. "We knew you were adopted from the day... You were adopted..." He said with a slight pause. "Or was it before we learned that you're actually a VK?" Ben questioned his brother. "Because let's be honest... You definitely acted like such a prince," This didn't earn a chuckle from Y/n. "Surprisingly, that isn't really a joke..."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Y/n glanced over his shoulder at his brother, the corner of his lips pulled into a small smile as his eyes filled with curiosity.

"You are acting like being a VK is so bad all of a sudden yet you have also played the role of the bad guy..." Ben pointed out. "People talk all the time about the things you have done growing up, you literally broke a stick over Chad's head and then proceeded to try to hospitalize him at the function this weekend..." He explained before watching Y/n look over at the water once again. "But at the end of the day, you did it with a reason... You did things that I couldn't do for the reasons I should have... You also did it to help others, you acted like a villain to help them and I really don't see the problem."

"Yeah? Well, your father clearly sees the problem..."

"He also fails to see that the four from the island need help... He also fails to forget the past..." Ben continued with a laugh. "Y/n, I don't care whether you're a Florian or a Cheshire-" He paused as he held the letter over Y/n's shoulder, Y/n took it and looked at the handwriting of his birth mother once again, looking at the words 'Cheshire Cat' one more time- "You are still my brother and I can't go to the coronation without you..." He added but the silence that filled the area was defeating. "I don't care if Dad is holding that against you or what, me and Mom still want you to be part of this family so please... Come back, who else am I supposed to fight with for no reason whatsoever?"

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