Chapter Fourteen

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One week later..

The time I spend with Daniel was the calmest time I've had in such a long time. In a way it made me feel as I was still 'normal,' even though my life would never be normal again. Danny completely heard me out and I heard him out about everything he had to say. Even though we would never be nothing more than friends, nothing less. 

"I never stopped loving you Timothy." Danny confessed. "If it's possible, before you go and make your final decision, can we share one last kiss?" Danny pleaded. That's when I stopped what I was doing, completely frozen. "This past week that I bonded with you, I realized I will never be with you again, may I have this just one last moment?" The time I had known him he never looked so broken as he is right now in front of me. Danny was always strong without regret, well I'm glad karma caught up to him. 

The times that I had kissed Danny in the past had always been the best moments ever, making me feel as if I was the only one. Clearly I wasn't. But that didn't mean that every time we kissed it was bad. Every time we kissed it felt as if it was the first time. Daniel held me tightly every time making sure he reassured me that I was the only one and will always be the only one. He had lied to me, Daniel had stood in front of me and lied to me but I forgave him. There is no use living with hatred even though hatred is what made me. It was time to let that go. 

I crouched down to his level and placed my lips on his. 

"I just missed you so much." Daniel confessed, looking at me in all seriousness. 

"You are probably the only sane thing in my life." I chuckled lightly. "You'll find somebody someday." 

"Definitely not someone like you." Danny suddenly had tears coming down his eyes and it hurt me but all his past mistakes reminds me of why he is the way he is. I'm such a bad person for thinking that he deserves this for hurting me. But there would be no balance if people didn't pay for what they did, good or bad. 

"No, you will find someone who loves you as much as you will love them. They will be somebody new and special and love you for who you are Daniel. You need to be happy with whatever happens because it means that fate gave you another chance and you need to treasure it." 

"Thank you so much for everything Timothy. For forgiving me and giving me some closure even though you were the one who needed it. There will always be a place for you and my heart. But I will still wake up every day regretting everything." Daniel said to me, "I love you." 

"I have to go." Those were the only words that my mouth could make out and I didn't want nothing else coming out of my mouth. 

"You're doing the right thing." Danny whispered. It was suddenly hard to breath. I had to do this. I had to. I took the bag of clothes I had bought and the money Danny had lend to me. "I will miss you. Call me once you're safe." 

"Of course I will Danny. You helped me." I hugged him one last time and went out the door where the cab waited for me. I got in and he drove. Drove to the airport. I might hurt them but it was all for the best. In all this I knew I was being selfish but I just needed to get away from all this. I couldn't take the pressure I was in, it may silly running away but it was the only thing that I could do. 

Nathaniel's POV:

"You either tell us where he is or your legs won't be the only thing you can't feel!" I hissed at him as I pushed him. He fell down on the floor. I picked him up by his shirt and punched him until I heard his jaw crack. This pathetic garbage will tell me where Timothy is weather he likes it or not. 

"The.. I- longer you're here the further he gets away." Danny taunted. "He deserves better. Just letting you know. I don't know where he went... he said he wanted a normal life.. I don't blame him. You are all a bunch of possessive, psychopaths. He needs his freedom."

I continued hitting him, not liking the words that were coming out of his mouth. They bothered me as much as his existence knowing exactly what he did to Timothy in the past. 

"Nathaniel.. Calm down.." Dominic whispered in my ear. "It will be alright you just need to come down or we will never find him." Suddenly I was pulled back by him and thrown on the ground, I agreed and nodded. Taking a deep breath and counting to calm me down at least a little bit. 

Collin and Iris were looking around for evidence and suddenly they both came running down with a laptop. "He brought tickets.. he's leaving us." Iris muttered, his face turning red. Probably from anger and fear of losing Timothy. We can't imagine him leaving, not knowing where he is and unsafe. Suddenly Collin and Iris took off, dropping the laptop in the process. I quickly picked it up to see the address of the airport. With one last look at Daniel we fled, closing the door in the process and going after Timothy. 

There will be absolute no way Timothy can escape. We will find him and make sure he never leaves our side. We can't live without our missing piece. He should know that by now because he can't live without us either. He needs to pick who he will be with because we will not go down without a fight. 

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