Chapter 30

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Timothy's Pov:

I buttoned Collin's shirt and fixed his tie. Currently we were getting ready for Nathaniel, Dominic and Jacob's wedding. The night time they were hosting on was perfect. Full moon and breezy night near the beach. We were the only werewolves, with our family. Jacob had told us that if anyone gave us any trouble then they would have to deal with him. Nothing was going to ruin his perfect night. It was going to be a perfect night for them. "Thank you for helping me." I laughed silently at him. "Why are you laughing?" he whined. Collin was so adorable when he was pouting. 

"Because you somehow managed to break you arm a day before the wedding." Collin had been playing with the girls and they dared him to climb a tree. Now don't get me wrong, Collin is Usually great at that but he ended up tripping when the one of the boys accidently fell down the cement stairs. He was to worried about Little Johnny that he forgot his killer reflexes and ended up breaking his arm trying to catch himself. Wolves heal themselves quickly but bones take a day or two to heal. Now I had to help him get ready for the wedding like the little kids. 

Collin pushed me against the side wall. "But I'm still stronger than you." Collin roughly kissed me. Collin has changed day by day. No longer seeming like the 'weak' one. I love that about him. I love lots of things about him. And Iris of course. Usually Collin was the easy going one but now its like rules and more rules. 

"Come on lets go help Iris." I mumbled when I see a shirtless Little Johnny running past our door while Iris chases him. Giggling little Johnny. They loved messing with Iris. 

"Little Johnny." Collin called out. He immediately stopped and turned around before running straight towards Collin. Iris cured under his breath. Everyone paid attention to Collin and I. Knowing when they are in trouble or when they are getting a treat. They usually ignore Iris but sometimes just respect him. 

"Why don't they love me." Iris mumbled.

"We do love you papa. You're just fun to mess with." Paul came with his tie undone. We all laughed at that. Indeed that was true. Iris was easily angered which made it easy to mess with him and get him angry in all different levels. 

For their wedding we rented out a hotel for the week so we had the whole week to get ready and relax. A good excuse for another vacation. But now its 7pm and the wedding is at 9pm. We still have two hours but all these people waste every last minute. After getting ready it was 8:30pm and we weren't far from the wedding but we might as well just head over.

"This is all beautiful." Collin gushed touching the black velvet roses. The moon light reflected over the beach. This was beyond anything else. Someone had led us to our seats where the ceremony would take place. All this was marvelous. The seats were glass like. This wedding must have cost a fortune. More people began coming in. All looking so flawless like they are suppose to be. With their pale skin and shark features. None of them paid any mind to us. We were invisible to them. Even the ones who sat next to us. I will not lie, its better than ever. No glances or glares.

Everything became quiet when the 'bride' was to walk down the isle. Which is Jacob. Dominic and Nathaniel seemed way too eager to seem their beloved. On the inside it made me envy them. I wanted a wedding now. To marry Collin and Iris. But I swallowed it, I am suppose to be happy here. Two men played the violin as Jacob walked down the black isle. This was literally the darkest wedding I have ever been too. But also the first vampire ceremony I have been too. All of them did their vows.

All saying words that were worth tears. I held onto my mates hands as I tried not to cry. This is beautiful. The way they looked at each other. The way Jacob spoke his vows. Like Dominic and Nathaniel had saved him in many ways. All of them thankful for the blessing of know and meeting each other. Fate was the best thing that could have ever happened to them. They finally got their happy ever after. Forever after.

After the vows they did the rings, the kiss, where they fed from each other. The ceremony lasted about three hours. Everyone was as patient as ever. "One day." Iris whispered into my ear. I agreed indeed.

"Thank you for coming." Jacob told us. After we all hugged and congratulated them. "I expect an invite for your wedding." We would definitely be inviting them to our future wedding. It'll be unexplainable. The best day ever. 

"You have it." I replied. "This wedding was delightful. You planned it all?"

"Yes I did, thank you very much." Jacob spoke smugly. Jacob seemed to be one of those guys who would try to make everyone happy by taking away their worries. Which he did with Dominic and Nathaniel. After all they went through in their life times they deserve someone like Jacob.  

During the time we were at the wedding we met their families. The kids were playing some other newborn kids who seemed to grow by the hour. By now it was four in the morning and everyone was still all out and happy. Giving them presents. Chit chatting. Everyone began leaving as the sunrise began. Though its tradition for the bride and the groom to stay through the whole thing, it symbolizes that no matter what they would be there for each other. The sun is suppose to be their weakness but by staying there it shows that they have no weakness as long as they have their love. I'm glad that's not me.

"See you around Timothy." they had told me. All I did was smile. This may mark the end of one book but we still have ours to begin. A long journey to go ahead, to come forward. We will be getting married soon and that will be the end and start of a new chapter. 

I closed my eyes and laid back as the airplane took off, I was sitting with Collin while Iris was sitting next to us with the kids. It was a tiring day and night. At least now we get to go home. At this time it all seemed but a blur. 

I honestly had no idea what would happen next, all I knew was that Collin and Iris would have my back throughout everything. That was more than enough reassurance for our future. The plot must have fallen quick but sure am glad because now we are free from lots of demons and things. Things I don't even know about. Which is another thing to be glad about. Its almost all over for now we have our happiness. The past is the past and we are here now. All forgotten and forgiven hopefully. 

Paul's Pov:

I don't know why dad let us play with shape shifters. I trusted dad's opinion but I always heard shape shifters aren't very nice. Maybe they don't know they are shape shifters? How could they not know. Then we went to their wedding. They preformed the ritual of vampires but they aren't vampires. Neither is Jacob, but how is it possible? I am very confused but at least we are heading back home. Home is safe. I love it at home where daddy, papa are. It felt weird there. Especially since Nathaniel didn't look happy. Neither did Dominic. But I don't know. I'm just a kid who doesn't really know much. as long as my three dad's are happy, I couldn't ask for much more. Now all we have to do is live happy just like the married couple. 

But I couldn't shake the feeling off that something was wrong. But I needed to or I could get myself in trouble for sticking my nose where it doesn't belong. I looked over at daddy Timothy sleeping. I'm glad he's my dad.

I don't get why anyone would want to hurt him. I won't let anyone hurt him. Timothy protected me now it is my duty to protect him and that I will do. 

I turned and looked out the window as the plane took off. Heading home finally. 

Well this is the end.. yeah. I feel like this is the end of everything.. it almost is. School is starting.. Summer is ending. All the international students I met from Bulgaria, China and Ireland are leaving.. I will miss them all very much. At least I have friends from different countries...

This is the end of Belonging to Them I remember when I first started this now I finished it. I am glad I got into Wattpad.. thank you all for your support and votes. Especially followers. You are much appreciated. :-) obviously there will be a sequel. I won't leave you all hanging. Though I don't know when it will be up. 

Well this is goodbye for this moment :) xxx

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