Chapter 2.

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Roronoa Zoro and Lynn stood surrounded by a fleet of Marine's in Captain Morgan's office. The Captain was using this time to sharpen his axed arm.

"I understand you two sent four of my Marine's to the infirmary." Captain Morgan said, "Without drawing a blade, I might add. Impressive."

"We didn't want to make a mess," Zoro replied.

"Roronoa Zoro and his Girlfriend Lynn" Morgan eyed them. "The Demon's. Most feared Pirate hunter's in the East Blue. I'd say you live up to your reputation."

Morgan looked down at the bag that had the upper half of Zoro's and Lynn's bounty kill inside.

"If it's all the same, I'll just take our money and go." Zoro said. Meanwhile Lynn stood there bored and wanted to finally leave. All this chatter was getting on her nerves.

Captain Morgan smirked a little, walking down from his desk and up to the Pirate hunter's.

"You'll collect your bounty," Morgan said, "But the penalty for assaulting a Marine is seven days strung up in the yard. No food or water."

"You can try to arrest us," Lynn challenged, "But your brat will be the first one we kill."
"Hey!" Helmeppo yelled, looking to his father, "They can't speak to me that way!"

Captain Morgan within a blink of an eye swung his axed hand, smacking his son square in the face and sending him to the floor. Zoro was slightly amused, he deserved it after flirting with his girlfriend. Lynn was also amused by it.

"I like you both," Morgan looked at Zoro and Zoro, circling around them. "We should be working for the same team. You two would make good".

"Kinda got our own thing going on." Zoro replied bluntly, "Doesn't leave much time for playing dress up."

"It's a shame, really. Having to lose both of you. With your skills and experience." Morgan spoke. "You both won't be able to get any bounty if I warn other marine bases." He threatened. "What will it be?"

Zoro thought about it before shrugging. "Seven days... We could catch up on sleep." He spoke.

"Take them to the yard and tie them up. Make sure they have no weapons on them while they are there. Is that clear?" Morgan spoke up.

Getting a few 'yes sir's' from his men before having them take the two away. The men grabbed the two as they were forced to walk to the yard.

Both were tied up when Helmeppo, that was the name of the slimy man, touched Lynn's cheek. She pulled her face away and hissed "Take your hands off me." Zoro saw this and got angry. "Hey, don't touch her!" Helmeppo laughed maliciously, took his hand from her cheek and walked towards Zoro. "What are you going to do about it?" he said provocatively and walks away laughing.

"Are you okay?" Zoro asked, looking at her worriedly. "Yes, I'm fine, don't worry," Lynn replied, looking reassuringly into his eyes. "Okay, then let's try to get some sleep," Zoro said while closing his eyes. Lynn agreed, yawned and closed her eyes.

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