Chapter 7.

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"You won't believe it

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"You won't believe it. I found our ship," Luffy said to Lynn, Zoro and Nami who had just arrived there Luffy was.
"And this guy will be selling it to us."
"H-huh?" Usopp asked as he glanced at the two. "W-wait.. what?"
"Yeah. The ship is perfect. We'll take it." Luffy spoke.
"Technically... she's not really for sale." Usopp spoke.
"What? What do you mean?" Lynn asked.
"And technically I'm not really a salesman." mentions Usopp.

"Do you even work here?" Nami questioned him.

"Wha- of course I do. I'm the chief technician." Usopp spoke. "It makes me in charge of encrustation removal and aviary waste eradication." He informed.

"Eradi-what?" Luffy asked confused by what he was talking about.

"It means he scrubs barnacles and bird shit." Zoro spoke up. 

"He can't help us," says Lynn. "Let's go." 
"Wait, I can help you," Usopp says. "I know the owner."

"You really know the owner?" Lynn asks skeptically whether she should really believe him.

"Of course i do." Usopp replied to her. "My friend is the owner for this beauty."
"You expect us to believe your friend owns this ship?" Nami asked as she let out a small quiet scoff.
"Well.." Usopp began to speak.
"I knew it." Nami spoke.
"Actually, I was going to say she doesn't just own this ship. In fact she owns the whole shipyard." Usopp continued.
Luffy's eyes lit up with happiness and Lynn was amazed.
"That's right. She's rich rich." Usopp spoke. "I'm sure that you four can be able to strike a deal with her. She's a very understanding person."

"See?" Luffy asked. "This is all going to be working out in the end."

Nami listened before nodding. "Fine. I guess it wouldn't hurt to say hello."

Luffy grinned as he was excited for the chance to meet whoever his friend was. Having him lead the way as he made small talk. Nami follows the two and Lynn and Zoro walk behind hand in hand.

It was a long walk from the shipyard to what was a mansion before them. Taking the small crew by surprise.

"I've never seen a house this big." Luffy gasped as he glanced around.

"Impressive right?" Usopp grinned. "Kaya has given me permission to drop by anytime I want unannounced." Leading the way.

"All of this for just one person?" Luffy asked.

"Not exactly. It's her and some of her staff that live here." Said Usopp watching Luffy being amazed by what he was seeing.

Nami glanced at the home at the moment. "Money really shows you who a person is." She spoke. "Most people care only about themselves and what is theirs."

"Sounds like someone I know." Zoro spoke and holds Lynn with his arm around her waist.

Nami ignored his comment. "A small staff is great. Means for easy pickings."

"Why? You gonna rob the place blind?" He asked as he resumed walking after them and pulls Lynn along by the waist.

"Maybe just a little blur. We could find use of the money." Nami spoke as she grinned and walked with them.

Usopp walked past the main entrance and headed to the side as he lead them to the back of the house.

"If you have an invitation like you said. Why are we going in through the back?" Luffy asked.

"I never use the front entrance." Usopp replied. "Think of it as more of a VIP entrance for special guests."

"This guy is full of shit." Zoro scoffed.

"As long as he can get us into the house then I don't see the point in caring." Nami shrugged.

Usopp continued to lead the way before spotting Kaya's staff and turning back quickly. "Actually, you know what? There's an even better and exclusive entrace this way."

The staff already being alert by him and his guests. The man immediately threw something sharp and hitting the lilypad he had been standing on. Making Usopp gasp as he noticed another one aimed at him.

"What the hell are you doing back here Usopp?" The man spoke.

"Buchi! Hey! Uh Kaya's expecting me so.."

"Another one of your lies, huh?" Buchi asked as he grabbed him by the shirt and huffed. Listening to him speak. "You ain't welcome here and you know it."

"I know nothing of the sort." Usopp spoke up. "I'm here for kaya and giving her a very special gift."
"Usopp!" A woman spoke up as the maid lowered the mop again before the cook released Usopp immediately.

Luffy glanced confused back at the group.

The woman smiled as she was accompanied by her butler. "What a wonderful surprise." She smiled.
"Kaya!" Usopp smiled as he gave a smug look at Buchi before walking past him and smiling at Kaya as he reached her. "Happy birthday."
"You remembered?" She asked surprised.
"Of course I remember!" Usopp spoke as he grinned.
The butler cleared his throat a bit. "Usopp." Не spoke up. "We've had this discussion before. You cannot show up here unannounced.

"Nonsense, Klahadore." Kaya spoke. Facing her friend once again. "Have you come to tell me more of your stories? I do love hearing about the adventures you have."
"I'll do you one better. I was able to bring some of my crew for you to meet." Motioning towards the group.
"Is he talking about us?" Luffy asked.
"Wow. It's so nice to meet you all. You must stay for dinner." Kaya spoke as she smiled.
"Miss Kaya. This is last minute and the kichen hasn't prepared for any last minute guests." Klahadore spoke.

"Please Klahadore? It's my birthday. It can't be too much trouble, can it?" Kaya asked.
"Of course, Miss Kaya." Klahadore spoke. "Anything for you."
Luffy listened to the word dinner as he grinned. Thinking about food. "Alright! When do we eat?" He asked.
"You don't. Not dressed like that at least." Klahadore spoke. Turning to the side. "Sham. Escort Usopp and his friends to the guest suites." Turning back to the group. "You will bathe and change before dinner."

"A bath does sound nice." Nami spoke as she agreed to the terms. Following the rest of the group being led by Sham.

"Come on, we both need a bath," says Lynn and pulls Zoro with her.

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