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This part is entirely rewritten, I'll tell you when it isn't!!

Today was nice, Pearl had decided. Well, so far it was. Like usual she had gotten up before any of her fellow Gems and found herself doing what she would be any morning. Picking up any trash or clothes that had been left and forgotten about by the younger tenants of the house, and would then wash the dishes from yesterday night if she had forgotten to do them then.

Garnet was usually right up after her, sometimes it was Amethyst, the shortest of the Gems was usually on the prowl for something to eat. Pearl was never quite sure if she was actually ever hungry or not, but it was still irritating when the lavender haired, purple skinned Gem went looking through the fridge obnoxiously loud.

She saw the normal schedule of things was taking place when Garnet had walked through the main room. Pearl gave her a soft "Morning" from the kitchen and Garnet nodded as she exited the house for a quick patrol. Eventually both Amethyst and Steven had stumbled into the kitchen a little groggy and made themselves food. Well, Steven did. Amethyst just ate whatever she could grab. As usual.

The day passed on with a visit from Greg, but the absence from Connie. Steven had been told the day before that Connie would be spending the day with her parents. Something about "family bonding". Whatever the matter, it didn't throw too much of a wrench in the schedule. On the list of stuff to do was doing a patrol check via the Warp Pad. Steven was eager, as always which Garnet found inspiring.

Steven was excited to see a new area, dashing around large tree trunks and scaling up the branches. He never had gotten the option to come here before and he was incredibly excited to explore. Though he thought that the forest wasn't too big, it was suggested that they split up and take a look around the area. Garnet assured there hasn't been any suspicious activity here for years, but it didn't cause too much of a problem to be cautious. Garnet warned Steven not to wander too far into the woods, even if there was a clearing. She said that he would know he'd gone too far when he reached gray, dead looking dirt.

But of course, with Steven being Steven, he found himself exploring too far. The quick whispers of wind blowing past his ears somewhat chilled him in a slightly ominous way. He turned and was barely able to see any of the Gems. He told himself that only a little further wouldn't hurt. When he stepped next to a large sturdy tree near the edge of the field, he heard a little clink beneath his sandal.

He knelt down, feeling around for what may have caused the sound. He stopped when he felt something that wasn't the same texture as the chalky dirt. A few swipes of his hands cleared the dirt away from the item, and he pulled it from the earth. It was...a Gem? There was no way. It looked sharp and rigid around its edges, it didn't shine like the other Gems' did. It was a nice, deep black with fiery orange waves. He picked it up cautiously, trying to be careful as to not cut himself on the jagged edges.

He called out to the gems who all quickly rushed to his side, thinking he was in trouble. Although relieved, they were a little annoyed when they found he was without a scratch. He offered up the gem to Garnet who hummed in thought as she gave thanks to Steven. She had mixed feelings about this, grunting in confusion as she found that she couldn't bubble the Gem. She tried once more. Twice. A third time.

"What are we going to do with it?" Amethyst asked as she stepped up from her short line of view. Garnet hummed once again, and Pearl found herself at a loss of any ideas as well.

"We should take them home! C'mon! Please! We can keep an eye on them if they reform or anything!" Steven suggested. While it wasn't much of an idea, it was the only one they had.

And it was one suggested by Steven.

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