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"Steven, I don't think it's healthy that your friend eats all of that stuff at once." Sadie said as she gestured to the Gem wildly eating a wide array of junk food.

"What? Why not?" Steven asked as he looked back at Onyx. He had just been so desperate to try the new tastes that this world could offer. Though, seeing him clench his jaw and hold his stomach tight, kneeling over in some kind of discomfort, was enough to convince Steven that the blonde was right. He hurried over to him, and placed a hand on his back in an attempt to boost his spirit if anything.

"Onyx, what's wrong?! Do you have a tummy ache??"

Onyx gagged and let out loud sounds like a cat hacking up a hairball. He gave out one last hack and threw up, discarding his snacks all over the tile floor.

"See? Told ya. ....I'll go get the mop." Sadie said, surprisingly calm about the whole situation. Onyx grunted and scratched at the floor.


"Onyx!" Steven exclaimed worriedly, patting his back as he groaned.

He moved himself to sit down, looking at Steven and Sadie apologetically. Steven got him a napkin and he took it graciously, wiping his mouth.

"It's okay, this happens all the time with his other friend." Sadie reassured him, going to the back to clean off the mop. She returned with a small cup of tap water, reaching it out to him. He took it and bowed his head in thanks. He wasn't quite sure what it was for, and just looked at it.

"Oh, you just drink it, like the milk!" Steven explained and Onyx made a sort of, "Ohhh" sound. He raised the cup to his mouth and drank, quickly swallowing the cool liquid in attempts to rid his mouth of the foul taste of after-barf.

"That was Sadie, she runs this place with my other friend Lars!" Steven smiled and patted his back.

"Sa... Sayy... Sayday..." He tried, giving the empty plastic cup to Steven to throw away.

"Yeah! Sadie!" Steven exclaimed happily, clapping his hands. He helped Onyx up and took his hand, guiding him out of the door after paying Sadie extra for cleaning up after him. He held onto one of his large fingers and guided him around the city, introducing him to all of his friends. The Pizza family, Nanafua, Jenny, Kiki, and their father. The Frymans, Ronaldo, Peedee, and Mr Fryman. Mr. Smiley, Onion, Buck, and Sour Cream. Onyx even made multiple attempts at trying to say their names.

Their day of fun was quickly interrupted as a loud crash resonated from the temple. Steven quickly gasped and turned towards the beach, almost dropping an ice cream cone he bought at FunLand. Onyx turned just as quickly and shoved the rest of his own treat into his mouth. He grabbed Steven and held him under one of his arms and he ran over. The boy shrieked and quickly finished his snack, wiping his lips as Onyx sprinted over. He skidded to a halt and set Steven down, slowly backing away with his hands up as if telling him to stay and not get too close.

"You want me to stay?" Steven asked, looking up at him. Onyx nodded and shot him a thumbs up, giving him a hug before running after the corrupted gem. He leapt at the gem monster before any of the other Gems could do anything. He hooked his claws into the monster's throat and bit down, causing blood to spill. 

The monster shrieked and tried throwing him off, with no success. He jumped onto it's chin and dug his fingers in, his feet dangling as he tried to haul himself up. The monster raised its head and Onyx began to slide down, tearing the throat of the gem open. The monster let out one last pained roar before poofing.

Onyx quickly grabbed the gem as he fell, landing on the ground with a thud, kicking up a load of sand. He sat up quickly, wiping with blood off his mouth and rinsing his hands and the gem off in the sea. He turned to the gems, who each had some sort of surprised expression on their face, and smiled before encasing the gem in a transparent black bubble and sending it off, his tail wagging.

"Done!" He said happily, running back over to Steven. The gems looked at each other as Steven loudly admired how Onyx fought, Onyx obviously taking in the praise. Steven happily grabbed one of Onyx's large fingers and led him back to the boardwalk.

"We need to talk about him." Pearl said quickly, turning to the other gems.

"We can't-We can't just leave him around Steven right? I-I mean did you seriously see what he did??" Pearl sat on the couch, crossing her legs worriedly.

"Well, he'll never actually hurt Steven. He does seriously try his absolute best to keep him out of danger. Like, everytime he hears something that might be a threat, he dives on all fours and stands over him. And you just can't see Steven, it's like he was never there. He never lets Steven get hurt." Amethyst explained, sitting on the coffee table.

"But, Onyxes are seriously irritable, anything can set them off! And they're incredibly strong! He can really hurt Steven if he gets upset!" Pearl responds, clasping her hands together anxiously.

"Onyx knows when he gets angry, and he deals with it accordingly. Have you ever actually seen him upset?" Garnet asked, crossing her arms as she leaned against the wall.

"W-well, no but-" Pearl responded, looking down.

"That's because he always leaves. He does it as calmly as he can too, I've seen him. He sits at the cliff, takes a few deep breaths, tears at the grass for a while, screams, then comes back. He never lets Steven see him angry." Garnet explained calmly.

"And! And!! Did you see how he took down that monster???? He didn't let it touch him!! He's awesome! And-and He bubbled the gem no problem! I vote for letting him stay." Amethyst smiled and shrugged, getting up to get something to eat.

"But-" Pearl started, her worry for Steven incredibly evident.

"No buts Pearl, unless he does something purposely harmful to anything, we'll deal with him accordingly." Pearl sighed but agreed, staying on the couch as the other Gems went their separate ways.

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