Safe and Sound

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"Steven, would you like to explain this?" Asked Garnet once the boy stepped through the front door.

"Explain what?" He asked before pausing. He could see that a sleeping Onyx had his head resting on Garnet's poofy hair, and his arms rested on her shoulders.

"Where'd you find him?!"

"He was under the couch. I was almost a little surprised you couldn't see him. Amethyst saw his paws sticking out after you left."

"Yep," came the voice of the other Gem, who stretched as she came out from her room.

"He freaked out, grunting your name in a weird way. We just figured you made friends with him." She explained.

"Garnet calmed him anyhow, and he drained his energy struggling when we tried to ask him questions. And now you're caught up." Pearl said before a small burp came from the Gem lounging atop of Garnet. The other Crystal Gems directed their attention to Steven.

"...What? It was the milk!"

The Gems seemed to calm down as Steven explained what had happened. Pearl had been relieved that he wasn't sick, he had just stayed up late with Onyx, which explained why he looked so worn out. Along with the fact that he and his father explored the beach up until a while ago.

Garnet had set the large gem, who seemed more than content laying on her hair, on the couch with some reluctance. Though he was coaxed out of it as Steven joined him on the couch, sitting by his side. Pearl and Garnet excused themselves and had Amethyst stay in the living room to keep watch on them both

The shortest of the Gems sat by the couch, and began to strike up a conversation with the human-gem hybrid.

"I'm not sure how I feel about this," Pearl told Garnet as they stepped into her room,

"I don't feel comfortable with...him, being around Steven. Supervised or not, it might be dangerous. I mean, those claws... fangs.... horns" She shuddered with furrowed brows. Garnet gave a short hum in response, putting a hand on her chin as she thought for a few moments.

A hand found itself on Pearl's shoulder, calming the shorter gem. A small smile came from Garnet, and a knowing look that always made her friend feel at ease was shot her way.

"Don't worry Pearl. I think it would be best to not stress ourselves about this. Or stress Onyx out, either." She said before pulling away and crossing her arms. Pearl, however, wasn't satisfied.

"What does that mean?" She asked, even though knowing her friend had the foresight to know better. Was there something her future sight allowed her to predict about this Onyx? Would something happen if any of the Gems made him feel distressed? Were they.... Was Steven in danger? Garnet decided to indulge her friend's skeptic and doubtful feelings.

"Onyxes are already irritable Gems. But being isolated for however long he was, scared and alone on what could have been an enemy planet, would not help matters. Onyx should not be put through any extreme feelings of distress at the moment. That might make him...hostile." She explained, and a distressed look crossed Pearl's face. She tried to accept the fact that she couldn't put as much judgment, and as many expectations on him, without making him turn back and bite the hand that feeds him so to speak. Steven would be the one he could lash out at and hurt.

In Steven's room, him and Amethyst had busied themselves with some video games. They were a few levels into their game at the moment, but in the next Amethyst found something fiddling with her hair. Steven paused the game and looked over, only to laugh once he found Onyx hiding his face in Amethyst's long hair.

"Look! He likes you!" He cheered as Amethyst made a face of both amusement and slight confusion.

"That's, uh, that's great?" She said, rather unsure of her predicament. Onyx poked his face out through the other side, his orange eyes blinking in curiosity to Steven's laughter. Did he do something funny? The purple Gem didn't seem very entertained by his actions, so they had to wonder what the boy found so silly about him.

He removed himself and crawled, actually on all fours, over to Steven's bed, and to Steven's side to sit and observe him with big, owlish eyes. He blinked before putting a finger to Steven's cheek and pushing forward. He was poking him!

"Hey buddy! Did you have a nice nap?" He asked before he tilted his head at him. It was almost like talking with an animal at times. He responded, like he understood, but not with words. He opened his mouth, and Steven wiggled in anticipation for what he might have to say.

"Stur...Stehv....Stevie...?" He said, stumbling over the letters in the one name he was trying to pronounce. While it wasn't quite what he was looking for, Steven's eyes widened with adoration of the cute attempt of saying his name. He threw his arms around him, and he was less surprised by him putting his arms around him in appreciation for the kind hold.

"Didja hear that Amethyst? He called me Stevie!" The purple gem laughed at the show in front of her, before getting up and reaching her arms out.

"Don't think you're gonna leave me outta this hug pile!" She said with a laugh, and jumped at the two of them. Onyx made a sound of surprise, but didn't jerk away from the contact. It was weird for Onyx, yes, but nothing was too weird for Steven if it involved hugs among friends.

Just then, Pearl and Garnet had returned from their talk. Onyx didn't seem to notice, or perhaps just didn't care. Though Steven and Amethyst seemed to pause as Garnet cleared her throat. They looked at her with expressions filled with nervousness.

"Got room for one more?"

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