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"I think my best bet is to recreate what happened the last time my gem glowed."

"So... Garnet and Amethyst were here.." Amethyst jumped up onto the counter and Garnet crept up to her side.

"Pearl was next to the fridge, and Onyx was right over by the dishes" Steven rested his chin on a palm and looked around.

"Amethyst, I think your arms were crossed." He pointed a finger at her, causing her to startle slightly but still cross her arms.

"Okay, your Majesty." She teased.

"And Pearl, your foot was like this..." He adjusted her foot slightly.

"I don't think it works this way, Steven." Pearl said softly.

"And Onyx! Your tail went like this!" He grabbed his tail softly, making it bend at the tip. Onyx snickered at the feeling.

"And Garnet... Uhm... Uhhh... Yeah." Onyx laughed as Garnet just let Steven mold her face. Steven then opened the freezer and retrieved his half eaten Cookie Cat.

"Then I took a bite of this Cookie Cat!"

"Oh! You sang the song first!" Onyx reminded him.

"Oh yeah! Uh, he's a frozen treat, all new taste, interstellar war, and now available at Gergins!"

"Aw... It was funnier last time..." Steven sulked.

"Maybe I'm not a real Crystal Gem..."

"Oh don't be silly, Steven" Pearl tried to reassure him, sitting down with her legs under her.

"Of course you are! I think so at least." Onyx knelt down next to him.

"And you're fun to have around! Even if your gem is useless." Amethyst teased, earning a growl from Onyx and a glare from Pearl.

"I-I mean, you're one of us, Steven! We're not the Crystal Gems without you!" She corrected. Garnet nodded quietly and placed her hands on her hips.

"Yeah.. Even if I don't have powers, I've still got... Cookie Cat!" Steven yelled. Onyx burst out laughing, his tail, now engulfed in flames, lashing around.

"Mm! So good!" Steven's gem began to glow, donning everything in pink.

"Oh my gosh.." Onyx exclaimed as a shield with the pattern of a rose with vines swirling around it was projected from his gem.

"It's a shield! It's gorgeous!!" He moved closer to observe the shield closer. Steven opened his mouth and gasped.

"What?! I get a shield?! Ohhhhhh yeah!" He jumped up and threw his limbs out happily. The shield shot out and bounced off the walls of the house. Onyx eagerly ran after it, leaping from wall to wall and beam to beam. He sprinted up the steps to Steven's 'room' and leaped, catching the shield in his mouth before slamming snout first into a wall and falling from the loft. Pearl groaned and shook her head, scowling as Amethyst started cackling.

"Oh! Cookie Cat! I summon my weapon by eating ice-cream!"

"No, Steven. You cannot summon your shield by eating ice-cream. It probably releases- oh nevermind, you wouldn't understand." Onyx tried to explain.

"What's in these things?" Pearl muttered, picking up a wrapper from the floor. The sound of rumbling picks up and the Gems look towards one of the windows. Centipeetles of all sizes are climbing up the outside of the temple. A giant shadow crawls up the window, screaming, growling, and roaring. The shield that Onyx was holding then dissipated.

"What was that?!" Steven yelled as the gems sprinted outside.

"It's the mother." Garnet said quickly. She jumped up the temple, getting ready to attack as Steven looked up smiling.

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