You're back but... You're not back.

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Amethyst sighed as she watched Onyx's chest rise and fall. She walked up to his resting spot on the floor and looked at him sadly.

"What happened to you, man...?" She muttered as she sat down at his abdomen, running a hand through his warm mane.

"You used to be so cuddly. But now, you're so flighty. You never were this timid.. Even around... Me.." She began to tear up, letting out a quiet, choked sob.

"We'd lay down and cuddle for days, even after Pearl, Garnet, and Rose found us... Pearl got so upset whenever she found us lying around." She laughed despite the tears rolling down her face.

"Do you remember that? Do you remember how we'd do nothing? We'd just lay down in the grass, and hold each other like nothing else mattered. Nothing mattered when we were together..." She curled up into his stomach, gripping onto clumps of his fur.

"Was it my fault you left? Was it because of what I did all those years ago? I pleaded for you to come back everyday... And now you're back. But, you aren't.... back." She yelped when she looked up to see Onyx's two large orange eyes peering at her, a hint of sadness and regret present in them.

"I-I'm sorry! I-I didn't mean to wake you!" She sniffled and wiped her face on her shirt, getting up to leave. She gasped softly when she felt a large hand grab hers, and she turned to see Onyx. He was laying on his side, belly fully exposed, almost like he was welcoming her. He tugged at her, pulling her over. She sobbed loudly and threw herself into his stomach, grabbing onto him like he'd leave if her grip loosened. Onyx sighed, sounding almost relieved as she buried herself into him. He curled his body around hers, holding her in his arms and bringing her to his chest where she cried and cried until she fell asleep, soft hiccups escaping her mouth as she drifted.

I don't know who this is. But, I do at the same time. It's confusing. I know that I'm supposed to know her. It's frustrating that I can't remember much of anything, but I remember she's important to me. Just like the boy. This feels familiar too, holding each other like this. She's so small in my arms, she's putting all her trust in me.

I'll protect her with my life.

Steven awoke to find the two gems curled up, asleep but holding each other like their gems depended on it. Steven's brows raised up in slight pity as he saw tear tracks running down Amethyst's face. They were smudged, like someone had rubbed her tears away. Amethyst was like a baby, her small frame being engulfed in Onyx's arms as he held her tight. He stared at them for a while, only being shaken from his stupor when Garnet and Pearl had exited their rooms.

Pearl cooed when her eyes landed on the sight before her. The two gems snuggled up against each other, Onyx's thumb in-between his teeth. His chin was nestled into Amethyst's hair, and he was very audibly purring. Steven quickly fished his phone out from his pocket and snapped a picture, marveling at the adorable scene. At the sudden flash the camera made, Onyx's eyes flared open and he sat up quickly, holding Amethyst, who stirred at the sudden movement, close to his chest. Onyx blinked the sleep out of his eyes and looked around, observing the expressions of the people in front of him. He began to blush slightly as he regained his senses, putting Amethyst down on her feet and standing up himself. The room was silent until Steven ran up and hugged him, erupting in cheers about how he 'made a new friend'. He smiled and hugged him back, his tail wagging at the embrace.

"Let's go Onyx! The day awaits!" Yelled Steven, tugging the large gem out the door. 

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