Fry Bits

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Onyx, Amethyst, and Steven ran across the beach to the boardwalk, quickly racing up to Beach City Walk Fries.

"Hey, Fryman!!" Steven shouted, slamming his palms against the counter.

"Give me the bits!!"

"Steven, we're closed." Mr. Fryman said as he flipped his open sign to read, "We're closed"

"Aw, what? I wanted to show Onyx the beauty of the bits.." He looked down sadly.

"You did Steven, when you took me to meet everybody. Remember?" Onyx placed a hand on his shoulder in an attempt to comfort him.

"Yeah, but a seagull stole them!" Steven shouted, earning a soft chuckle from Onyx.

"Give him the bits!" Amethyst suddenly shouted, slamming her fists on the counter repeatedly.

"The bits! The bits!" She changed, getting Steven to copy her.

"Okay, okay! Take it easy on the counter will ya?" Mr. Fryman gave in, raising his hands up in surrender.

"Yes!" The trio shouted, throwing their arms in the air.

"I can give you actual fries, if you want." Mr. Fryman suggested politely.

"Just bits for us, thanks." Onyx smiled and took the bag filled with bits, shoving a hand in and stuffing his maw with a fistful. The three grinned happily as they ate, licking their lips after every swallow.

"Ah sunset. My favorite time of day. When the sun goes down and the second sun gets bigger and bigger in the sky." Steven smiles, his eyes glistening in delight. Amethyst just laughed.

"We call that Stardown where I'm from- wait, did you say two suns?" Onyx questioned, a puzzled look present on his face.

"Yeah that big, hot, second sun-" Amethyst cut herself off with a large gasp as she looked up at the sky.

"Oh crap! Why's that thing here?!" Onyx shouted, gazing up at a large spherical object in the sky. Steven swallowed his mouthful of bits

"What is it?" He asked before giving a yelp as he and Amethyst were lifted into Onyx's arms. Onyx tipped the bag over his mouth and ate the rest of the fries.

"Ah! My bits!"

"This is bad." Garnet said simply.

"Look at the size of it! I had no idea these things were so big!" Pearl states as she stood up straight, lifting her face away from a telescope.

"Garnet! Pearl!" Amethyst yelled as Onyx put Steven and her down.

"We saw." Pearl glared at her, a hand taking place on her hip.

"Some of us are trying to protect humanity. Where were you?!" She asked coldly.

"Consuming tiny potato pieces." Onyx replied, licking his fingers. Pearl scowled, bringing a palm to her forehead.

"Ooh, can I see?" Steven asked before running up to the telescope and holding it to his face gently.

"Woah.." He mumbled in amazement as the orb opened like an eye, spinning in place before it stilled

"It's an eyeball. Sick." Onyx grinned.

"Not 'sick'! It's a red eye!" Pearl chastised.

"A red eye?! it's going to infect us all!" Onyx snickered at Steven's sudden outburst.

"That would be pink eye, Steven." He said through small chuckles.

"It's going to crash into Beach City and crush us, along with a bunch of oblivious, innocent people. We have to stop it!" Pearl explained.

"Party Pooper." Onyx scoffed before snickering at the glare Pearl shot his way.

"What are we going to do?" Steven asked.

"The only thing powerful enough to destroy it, is a light cannon that belonged to Rose Quartz." Garnet answered, adjusting her visor.

"My mom?"

"If Rose were here, this would be so easy." Amethyst complained. Onyx's nose twitched at the name and he rubbed at it to get the tickly feeling to go away.

"I know, but she's not and the cannon is missing." Pearl looked down glumly.

"We'll have to find another solution."

"If it belonged to Steven's mother, maybe Greg has it." Onyx suggested, getting a large grin from Steven.

"He could help us save the day!" Steven yelled, eager to get his father involved.

"Greg is... nice... Steven, but I doubt Rose would entrust someone like him with such a powerful weapon."

"Your dad is kind of a mess, Steven." Amethyst clasped a hand on Steven's shoulder. Onyx growled at the statement, glaring down at her.

"Be polite." He snarled.

"I'm just saying! If she did leave it with him, he probably broke it, lost it, or dropped it in the ocean by now." Amethyst shrugged.

"True..." Garnet responded.

"No way! I'm sure he's just keeping it somewhere safe.

"Let's go ask!" Onyx suggested and Steven quickly leaped onto his back with a giggle.

"We can handle this, boys." Garnet said, stepping forward.

"Ready?' She asked Amethyst, who nodded. Garnet lifted her up and threw her screaming at the eye. She hit it with a clang and fell to the ocean with a splash.

"Uhm... We're... We're gonna goooo..." Onyx said with his eyes narrowed. He then turned on his heel and sped off, Steven holding onto his neck for support.

"Okay, good luck..." Pearl responded, not taking her eyes off the spot Amethyst hit. The two reached Greg's parked van rather fast and Steven jumped off of Onyx's back to go bang on the van doors.

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