Doodles and p!Will lore

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Starting off strong with... you guessed it- MORE IRIS!

 you guessed it- MORE IRIS!

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I always have to draw a few images of him with the swirl eyes to remind me that I have to stop writing him as a traumatized sad bean (even though his is) AND MAKE HIM CRAZIER

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I always have to draw a few images of him with the swirl eyes to remind me that I have to stop writing him as a traumatized sad bean (even though his is) AND MAKE HIM CRAZIER.

Scene from Chapter Twenty-Six (I think?) of DR: GO

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Scene from Chapter Twenty-Six (I think?) of DR: GO. Drawing Iris without his outfit on, plus the fact that he's shirtless, is a really weird thing for me to see.


(note: everything I'm about to say would occur after the first two murders and executions. Everyone up to Ryn is dead already.)


So as I stated previously, p!Will, driven by his need to prove himself worth something, goes mad and develops this plot of a videographer who loses his mind and goes on a murder spree- and that videographer is Will himself. Iris, who knows the signs of insanity when he sees them (in this au, he still had the whole balance thing but at this point in time he'd been helped), goes to talk to Will, only for crap to hit the fan. While debating what to do with Iris's dead body, Will realizes EXACTLY what he needs to do.

He starts his newest project - a tribute to the horror movie genre.

Now, I'll show you each of the tiny little sketches I did for each crime scene. You can place your guesses before scrolling down to see the answers, if you'd like. See how many you can guess from the crummy sketch.

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