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vienna rolled over in her bed, smacking oscar's chest. "ow." he groaned making vienna sit up. "i'm so sorry." she let out a weak chuckle looking down and she was completely naked. "good morning." oscar smiled, she turned red covering herself with her blanket. "i've never done anything like this before. i don't know what supposed to happen now." oscar said as vienna reached down grabbing a shirt from the floor. it was his. she slipped it in quicky standing up. "uh breakfast?" she questioned and he chuckled. "yeah sounds good." oscar nodded grabbing his boxers from the ground slipping them on. "oh sorry your shirt- leave it on, you look better in it." oscar told her, she smiled.

oscar sat in his jeans watching vienna scramble eggs. "i've never done this before either, by the way." vienna said turning the stove off. "i would've never thought this would be my morning." she added, he smiled as she walked over leaning over the counter. "what would it have been?" he asked. "i'm a little bit of a control freak." vienna laughed at herself. "how do you mean?" oscar shook his head. "i uh i have a routine that i follow everyday, it helps me keep my mind at ease... i don't know it just helps." vienna smiled, oscar reached forward taking his hand into hers. "is me being here making your mind uneasy?" vienna shook her head quicky. "no, weirdly. i feel more at ease right now with you then i do everyday." vienna admitted making oscar smile. "i feel like i've known you forever and i don't know your last name." oscar whispered leaning forward connecting their lips. "moore." she said he chuckled kissing her again. "yes more of that but my last name is moore." vienna said and he laughed. "my bad." he smiled.

vienna was internally screaming. after the two had breakfast oscar had to leave. she offered to take him where he needed to go but he declined saying he already texted his friend. "i had really good time with you." oscar smiled stopping in the front door frame. "me too." vienna crossed her arms nervous. she was still in his t-shirt he was now wearing his hoodie. "you think i can see you again?" oscar chuckled softly. "i think that'll be okay." vienna teased, he chuckled giving her his phone. she quicky put her phone number in. "text me and we'll figure something out." she told him and he nodded. "looking forward to it." oscar leaned into her kissing her cheek. "bye." vienna waved as he walked out of the door. "i'll text you." he turned around smiling. "i'll be waiting." she chuckled as he got to the car, vienna recognized lando in the front seat, he waved and oscar swatted his hand down making lando laugh.

after oscar left, vienna got ready for the gym. even if her head hurt so badly, because she was hungover as fuck. vienna had her headphones on running in the treadmill. she slowed down getting off. she grabbed her water bottle taking a big sip of it. "thirsty?" she heard the voice through her headphones. she pulled them down turning around. "what are you doing here?" she chuckled wiping the sweat off her forehead. "i'm here to work out." oscar shook his head pulling her into a hug, which surprised her. "obviously but why are you still in richmond?" vienna pulled away. "uh mclaren headquarters is a thirty minute drive away, i have an airbnb here." oscar told her and she nodded. "gym date then?" vienna chuckled and so did he. "i'd love too but my performance coach is here." oscar turned to kim keedle, the man looked up from his phone waving, before looking back. "right, i forgot you're an f1 driver." vienna said taking her headphones off from around her neck. "yeah, a lot of training to do." oscar nodded. "but maybe we can do something, alone, after?" oscar offered and vienna nodded. "i'll be here for a few more hours but i'll let you know if you're still here." vienna told him and he nodded. "oh so your a hardcore gym goer huh?" oscar teased. "well im a dancer so.. i'm naturally very physical." she shrugged. "dancer, explains a lot." oscar smirked making vienna scoffed hitting his shoulder playfully. "i should get back to it." vienna shook her head. "yeah i should get started." oscar turned too kim and waved him over. "just let me know." he told vienna and she nodded.

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