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Elena : uhh...

Taehyung: It's fine take your time to think.... but I belive this might be the best option.

Jin : umm so now how about we now solve a mystery?

Uh I am shocked to say anything..I mean I wanted to build some connection between us but I didn't think it would be like this...

Jin: k so we have 2 mysteries ;  one is about the drug and another one is bout the queen ..there are high chances that both mysteries are connected .

Taehyung: I guess we should start with the drug one first ..

Elena: how about we divide ... it would be better if we solve things faster...

Jin : hmm ya we can do that ...

Elena: how about we involve jungkook  ??

Taehyung and junkook are half brothers.. The current queen is mother to junkook but step mother to Taehyung.. The late queen was Taehyung 's mother.. who died .. I  am not sure

Elena : jungkook might know something about the queen ..

Taehyung: but even if he knew.. why would he help us.. I mean me

Elena : huh ?

Jin : junkook is too close to queen to go against him ..and I don't think so he would like to help Taehyung cause since childhood they just couldn't stand each other..

Elena : oh.. uh then maybe we can add him to drug one case .. so if by chance he realises queen was involved in the matters maybe he would give us some info ..

Taehyung: wait how bout we get someone else

Jin - I think we need someone with power.. not just strength and mind..

Taehyung- hmm

Jin - k how bout Elena and junkook on drug case and till that time we try to work on queen one..

Taehyung- uh I wanted to be with Elena..

Jin - grow up man , why do you still act like a 8 year old child..

Taehyung- ugh it's fine..

Elena- k .I guess it would be better if you call him introduce us..

Taehyung- let's do that tomorrow.  Me and jin have to go get ready for the dinner with king and queen..

Elena - oh k .

Jin - by the way you accept this proposal right ? Cause we are going to tell your name as worthy wife for Taehyung today .

Elena- uh no wait let me think ..I wasn't given time to think ..

Jin - k I'll take my leave now..just let your answer know to Taehyung..and you Taehyung don't be late ..

Taehyung- just one time..

Elena- hey , don't you have you like that you would like to marry you .. don't sacrifice that for me..

Taehyung- for now there isn't anyone.. that I like..wait so you like someone?

Elena -  I don't think so .

Taehyung- don't be sacred I promise I'll treat you nicely ...

He is the very assuring but something just doesn't feel right ..

Taehyung- so what you think ??

Elena - why do you think so I am fit to become your wife ?

Taehyung- you are smart , can fight so nicely ll be able to adjust easily to the surrounding , you  lead people well and you damn beautiful..and I also think you can be my wife.

Elena: ..( blushing)

Taehyung- uh so what you think .. if you don't tell your answer now I ll be alte and jin hyung will keep on pulling my leg..

Elena : yes..

Taehyung: you sure na ?

Elena: hmm

I myself don't know want I want at this point ...

Taehyung: k then lets meet tomorrow afye lunch .. I ll also get jungkook ..

Hmm I slept well last last night ... and the cuts are barely paining me now.. wow it feels goods..

Servant : miss are you well enough to join today's event ?

Elena : um what are we having ?

Servant : today they are going to check up some skills.. which skills are always a secret.. it doesn't last very long 4-5 hours max.

I anyways don't have anything to do in morning .. now that I have to marry Taehyung I also have to prove myself  ..

I get dressed not a fancy one just something normal..

Queen :  Elena you were able to join us today that's not necessary.. I asked the maid to leave you out if you weren't felling well..

Elena: no it's completely fine .. I feel good too

Queen: there was nothing for you to worry about after your name was suggested by Taehyung itself..

Everyone around me started to whisper..talking about something...

Queen:  Everyone so let's start .. The first skill which we will test is handwriting ..

Writing , is that  even that important to ..
I don't know but we can try for sure..
I was in middle of writing something..

Queen : Your handwriting.. ugh not good enough..Charlotte wow the handwriting is amazing to mesmerised someone..

She kept on shouting and annoying on me at every skill test I mean I might not be best but I m definitely not worst ..

I have to meet Taehyung anyways so let's leave this palce it's of no use..
Taehyung: oh you made it I thought you would be busy ..

Elena : uh no

Junkook: hello , nice to finally meet .. oh ya and congratulations..Taehyung barely liked girls..  at some point yesterday I was surprised hearing he liked you .. well at least it's better than him liking a boy..

Taehyung: junkook you !!

Junkook - sorry , I was just anyways why you want to me to work on this case??

Elena - I think it would be better with you..

Junkook- ohk !! Taehyung don't you have somewhere to go ?

Taehyung- I have to.. but remember jungkook protect her at all cost and dont you dare to take her anywhere .. specially not where this drug can be found..

Junkook- yes hyung , now go!

Elena- by chance do you have any idea who's the dealer of this drug ??

He hands me few papers on which worked on ..there was enough info to find to know where to get that drug on ..

Elena- I m impressed..

Junkook- I take my responsibility about tonight we go to that place ??

Elena- seems a good idea if we wanna catch the one behind this..

Junkook - but I don't think so .. it would be a good place for you to visit..

Elena - I ll be alright ..

Junkook - tonight at 12 in front of your room .. be disguised and dont tell anything about this to anyone..

Elena : k
Whole day I just figured out that queen hates me and servants and few princess calls be lover of taehyung.. but I don't care bout it ..all I care is that we need to find the person behind this who definitely would be related to kuhn then kill him and done.. everything will be alright..

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