Chapter 1: The Apostate

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Manufacturer's protocol dictates I cannot be captured.

I must be destroyed.

Nevarro is a very fine planet.

And now that the scum and villainy have been washed away, it's very respected again.

You do not cover your face. You are not Mandalorian.

I am Leo Toluk. Son of Arut and Daji, Chieftan of Clan Toluk and of Mandalore. Former rebel of the Alliance.

I'm looking for someone, someone of great importance

You are a child of the watch.

There is only one way. The Way of the Mandalore.

Mako Firebreather, daughter of Jedi General Orion Firebreather and Senator Amelia Otaka.

Din Djarin, have you removed your helmet?

And how do I do that?

I have.

Then you are Mandalorian no more.

How can I atone?

According to Creed, one may only be redeemed in the Living Waters beneath the mines of Mandalore.

But the mines have all been destroyed.

I will teach you.

This is the Way.


The sound of clank echoes through the cave, the armorer working away as the forging of a new Beskar alloy.

She held out a small vial and poured a drop into the cooling pool, the water rippled with life for a moment. She steps to the forge holding the reformed beskar over the flames.

The armorer held the heated meal to the anvil and began to hammer away at the heated metal. Creating a form.

Once the form was complete, she placed it into the waters, cut out the flames, and continued work, forming the rest of the helm, adding the modification and wiring of the helm and finally adding in the finishing touches and stepping out of the cave.

Fellow Mandalorians were standing on ceremony as the Armorer stepped forward, the drummers drumming at the beat, heading towards the young foundling that was awaiting at the water's edge.

She steps into the water stands before the young boy and raises the helm for all to see and silence rains over them. She lowers the helm and looks at the boy.

"I swear on my name and the names of the ancestors..." she spoke as the boy looked up at her, "I swear on my name and the names of the ancestors..." he repeated after her.

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