Chapter 4: The Story of Myth

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The Kom'rk ship flew towards the last known destination where Din and Silya set down. She dives straight into the storm, braving it, and comes out the other end.

Seeing the surface once more, though the distraction was gone, the aftermath remained as she flew over the destroyed dome city of Sundari.

Unable to help herself, Bo-Katan flicks her eyes down at the ruined city. "It didn't always look like this," she spoke and Grogu looked up at her, meeting her eyes for a moment.

He could sense the sorrow in her voice and the strain in her sitting, Grogu frowns as he looks away from her.

Bo-Katan flew past the crater and the ship set down, she powered down and looked at the child as he was looking up at her. "Okay, kid. I'm gonna need you to guide me to them. Can you do that?" she asks.

Grogu hesitated for a moment but babbled with a nod, she shot a pointer look at him before moving out of her seat.


The ramp opens with a hiss as Grogu comes down in his pod and Bo-Katan is right behind him. Both headed towards the rock formation as R5 remained on the ship, keeping his eyes on the two as they found the cave entrance and carefully made their way through.

Grogu leads her right to the opening of the city of ruins, Bo-Katan stops at the edge, removes her helm, and stares at the city before her. "This was once a beautiful civilization. My family ruled it all. Now it's a tomb." she spoke and Grogu looked up at her.

She inhaled for a moment before looking down at him, "Let's go." she spoke and placed her helm on. She takes a step and plummets, using her jet-pack to slow her ascend, with Grogu right behind her.

Bo-Katan took no stops and continued straight down, making it into the sewers. She inhales and steps forward, marching through the tunnel.

Grogu pants for a moment before looking at the pipe as the monster is still there and it snarls at him, the reflection of the light reflecting of its eyes.

Flopping his ears down, Grogu halts his pod, too afraid to continue. Bo-Katan senses this and she too stops and looks back at the frightened child.

He babbles and looks up at her, "I know you're frightened. But I need you to guide me to them." she informs him, Grogu just looks at her for a moment before gathering his courage, turning his light on, and begins to move.

Bo-Katan activates her light and follows. He led her further through the tunnel as she kept her eyes open for any attack. "I knew quite a few Jedi, you know," she spoke, striking up a conversation.

Grogu looks up at her, taking interest in her words, "I don't know what they taught you about us, but there was a time we got along quite well. Fought side by side." she informs, making him babble with wonder.

"How good are you with the Force? You must be quite good at it if you got back to me all alone," she informs, but a sound of rustling catches her attention, making her stop and look up at the ceiling above them.

Seeing shadows were moving, she pressed her hand to the pod and gently pushed Grogu out of the way. She stepped forward, getting a closer look, watching as the shadow came to a halt before drawing her blasters and opening fire onto the crystal in the ceiling.

Breaking the Material as the Alamites came falling through the ceiling and crashed onto the ground. The scavengers scramble to their feet and charge at her.

Bo-Katan fired, only for her blasters to be knocked out of her hands, but she was not unarmed. Ejecting her blade, Bo-Katan takes out the Alamite shooting her cable at the other, taking it by its feet and killing it.

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