Chapter 6: Outcast No More

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Traveling through hyperspace, Silya exhaled as she laid her back against her chair.

First, it was a rumored lie that Mandalore's air was toxic, now Imperial bombers tried to kill them, up to bombing Bo-Katan's home.

Something wasn't adding up. It didn't make sense. But it was clear the Empire was not yet gone and they were determined to keep Mandalore's situation a secret.


The Mandalorian flutters her eyes open, sensing the call again. "Master Tarre," she whispers.

You are becoming what I once was. A Mandalorian, but Jedi as well.

Silya nods her head, "Yes, Master." she answers, resting her hands on her stomach.

Now focus, sense the wonders and dangers of the galaxy, and see what others cannot.

She nods then sits up, pulling her legs into an Indian style, taking the moment to calm herself and drop her guard, and opens herself to the Force.

She could sense...



No more fear.

The welcome of change.

But she could also sense...


The desire for revenge.

The deception.

The coming darkness.

And the cruelty of one individual in particular. The wicked smile of a Moff.

Snapping her eyes open, Silya realizes that an old enemy is not far from their future. She scoffs in annoyance, but her thoughts wander away from what she senses.

And looks down at her belt, she reaches in, and pulls out the kyper crystal in her hand.

Making her own Darksaber. Such a thing hasn't been possible since Tarre Vizsla. She raises her hand and taps at her helm that sits in front of her forehead.

He passed on everything to her, even the knowledge of crafting a Darksaber. She just looks down at the crystal in her hand. She remembers when she first found her crystal.

From youngling to padawan. The sacred rite of the Jedi, the freezing caves of Ilum, the thousands of crystals, the trials, the twists and turns of the cave.

Learning to not let fear control them, learning to let go and trust in oneself. She couldn't help but smile at the memories of her trial.

It was enough to make the crystal in her hand began to flicker. He catches her attention as she stares at the crystal. It was flickering at her memories.

Once she held it close to her, she closed her hand around the crystal and held it close to her chest. A spark of hope flutters as the future of Mandalore is not out of reach.

Not just yet.


The three ships drop from hyperspace, flying towards the planet of the destination.

They flew over the rivers that weave through the mountains, Bo-Katan followed behind Silya and Din as they were keeping a formation.

"I'm bringing you to a Mandalorian covert. This is how we have survived in exile."

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