Chapter 2: An Requiring Piece

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"I'm gonna level with you, Mando. I need a marshal." Greef informs them. Din turns his head to him. "What about Marshal Dune?" Din asks, Silya shoots her head at him. "What did happen to Cara after we arrested Gideon?" she asks.

"After she brought in Moff Gideon, was recruited by Special Forces," Greef answers them, the two share a look. "And what came of Gideon?" Din asks again, Greef just huffs. "Ugh. He was sent off to a New Republic War Tribunal," he answers him, making both Mandalorians scoff.

"More than he deserves, after all the things he's done." Silya spoke up, Din shot a look over at her, "So... what do you say?" Greef asks as they come to a stop and he looks at the two.

"You ready to put on the stripes and collect a healthy stipend? You make a very fine lawman," he asks him with a chuckle. "Why not request one from the New Republic?" Din asks, Silya crosses her arms at the thought.

Seeing the annoyance in Greef's eyes, "The last thing we intend is to bow down to yet another far-off bureaucracy. No." he informs him, Silya nods her head, "And I suspect Nevarro won't give up its independence it just gained." she states.

He nods at her with a point of his finger. "Just right. Under my watch, Nevarro will become the first truly independent trade anchor in this entire sector," he informs them, the two Mandalorians just share a look and Din looks back at the Magistrate.

"I can't serve as your marshal. We have something pressing to attend to." Din answers him and Greef just sighs, "Apologies. I didn't know you were here on business." he says with a small smile.

He was disappointed, but shook it off, "What can we provide?" he asks of them, both step back as Din points out at the statue of IG-11. "We need him back," Din informs him.

Greef shoots a look up at the statue and huffs a laugh as he looks back at the two. "IG-11 was destroyed on the lava river. This is just a statue." he reminds them. The two just look back as Din shrugs. "These are his parts, are they not?" he asks.

"I mean, what's left of 'em? We were lucky to recover any of his parts after he self-destructed." Greef informs as Silya looks back, "We'll take what we can get." she states, Din nods at her before he shifts in his stance.

"We need a droid, one we can trust to help us explore Mandalore," Din informs him, making Greef look at him and Din points up at the statue. "And he's that droid," he informs as Grogu looks up at the statue. "Mando, we've got plenty of droids around here, we'll find you one. I guarantee it." Greef informs him.

Silya just chuckled as she turned him, shifting her weight, "And Din's picky when it comes to droids." she joked, but Din shot a look back at her, she turned away before he could get a good glare on her.

A quick wave of silence before he looks back at the Magistrate "Let me give it a shot." Din asks of him, Greef stares at him for a moment, before flicking his eyes at Silya, who had her arms crossed and she shrugs at him, seeing no reason to protest and he looks back at the statue.


The remains of the droid were taken off the statue and brought into the office, Din and Silya were getting to work at the re-wiring of IG.

Grogu just watched with anticipation as his parents worked on the droid that protected him.

Greef just watched them, knowing it was a bad idea, but he didn't say a word as they were finishing the repairs, or re-wiring what was left of the droid.

"There." Din placed the torch down as Silya was around and stood behind him, "He's hooked up to power. Let's see if we can wake him up." he spoke and began to jump-start the droid.

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